Go Gators Probably Goin’ Ta Jail – IOTW Report

Go Gators Probably Goin’ Ta Jail

Corrine “Go Gators” Brown is accused of fraud and conspiracy and the case is in front of a jury. It’s not going well.

Two of her co-conspirators have pled guilty, gone state’s evidence, and are ready to sing.

Brown funneled money from One Door For Education, a charity for poor children, to her personal bank account. She bought clothes, went on vacations, and also used the money for a Beyonce’ concert.

In short, she’s a horrible person.

Rot in jail, hon.

Oh, the defense is using the “she’s too stupid to have done this” defense. Suddenly she’s just a po’ black woman who don’t know nuffin’ bout emails and textin’. But she can be a congresswoman.



21 Comments on Go Gators Probably Goin’ Ta Jail

  1. What is it with the shame these black women feel that compels them to try to convince the world that they somehow have straight hair?

    Quit trying to be white. White privilege is for whites, dummy. You assholes have affirmative action.

    Quit with the self-loathing.

  2. Administering “education scholarships” to black kids is a favorite fraud mechanism for the black caucus. Sheila Jackson Lee got caught awarding the scholarships exclusively to her family members. Of course, nothing happened.

    Was Brown just greedier than most?

  3. “Was Brown just greedier than most?”

    Maybe the same – just had bigger opportunities than most.

    Our local Pimp-turned-politician (not kidding, John Wiley Price, is being prosecuted for similar reasons.

  4. She’s from my section of Florida, and been synonymous with scandal and corruption her entire long career.

    Media coverage is still downplaying the level of Intent here. This isn’t embezzlement from ahttps://www.google.com/search?client=mobilesearchapp&source=mobilesearchapp&rlz=1MDAPLA_enUS641US641&hl=en&channel=iss&v=13.1.72140&noj=1&biw=320&bih=568&q=mastercraft+smoking+pipes&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjfqpr619LSAhXTZiYKHbp9BrUQ1QIITCgC legitimate fund. This was apparently set up as a fake scam to defraud Donors from the start. Like Madoff, she knew exactly what she was doing.

    Next up: Elijah Cummings, Sheila Jackson Lee, and of course Maxine.
    Start with an IRS overview. Proceed from there. Offshore accounts, freezers full of cash.
    The corrupt Left has no future in our country.

  5. This only happens to the more egregious. Most corruption is tolerated (indeed, encouraged) and laws are passed to protect the guilty. Pelosi is a case in point – as is Congressional exemption from “insider trading” – and look at how Ryan’s fortune has increased – not to mention Obola, who went from a gross worth of $250,000 to over $40,000,000 – increasing his “investment” in the (e.g.) Avian Flu scam by 100x. And we sit with our thumbs up our asses thinking “Well, ain’t that sumpthin? Mebbe I kin gitz $15 a hour flippin burgers fo da klown …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I live in Blacksonville Fl and all the white people on the jury pool bailed out, nobody wanted to take 3 weeks off from work. She got her wish with getting a OJ jury. She deserves to get the death penality for what she did in Congress for 25 years.

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