God Bless Eric Bolling – God Damn the Evil People Who Tormented Him – IOTW Report

God Bless Eric Bolling – God Damn the Evil People Who Tormented Him

29 Comments on God Bless Eric Bolling – God Damn the Evil People Who Tormented Him

  1. God bless your son, you and your family Eric.

    These people are the scum of the Earth, and there are too many of them out there.

    Thank you for what you do.

    May God give you and your family strength.

  2. What is a Leftist doing in a Trump hotel in the first place? They are way too classy for them.

    If you have any remaining curiosity about who Satan is, one of his Wormwoods spoke for him.

  3. My husband’s sister-in-law (married to his brother) informed me after our daughter died that I must have done something really bad to anger God that way. I have never forgiven her for that and 40 years later it still hurts like the dickens. People are beyond cruel.

  4. I’m a big believer in karma, both on this earth and when this piece of human detritus stands in judgment with his creator. People like this are generally miserable in life because they are worthless and they know it. They are shallow, vapid, and lead mundane less than ordinary lives. They lack any redeemable qualities. For them this is as good as it will ever get.

  5. There is no karma. There is no goes around comes around, no law of attraction. There are no vibrations. There is neither fate nor destiny nor kismet.

    What there is, is human choice, and then The Judgment, far more glorious and terrifying and exceedingly thorough than any of us can imagine. And that will be good enough.

  6. “There is no karma”

    We got a short glimpse of this turd in the video, 60 lbs overweight, bad dresser, probably never been laid in his life, probably jobless, who has nothing of value to live for so he stalks others to insult them, yeah, I’d say that is the very definition of karma.

  7. While I understand that Mr. Bolling didn’t want to expose those two rat bastards he shouldn’t have blurred their image. There are always consequences to actions and if what these two did meant their jobs or friends then so be it. Conservatives can no longer keep turning the other cheek. If this sort of reprehensible behavior continues to go unchallenged it just gets worse and more often and to more people.

  8. More and more I believe that this is their (the demons) strategy to make us anger. When we have hate in our hearts, instinctively we avoid God.

    I can’t tell what I felt when I watched that, but, thank God, He showed me that’s not the way.

    James 1:20 “…man’s anger does not promote the righteousness of God.”

    Let’s not get snared. We’re in a battle for our Country, our families and values. We all have a task on MAGA.

    God bless you, Mr Bolling. You’re doing your part with honor and dignity.

  9. I was in a store once with my work uniform on and a young woman asked me if I knew ***** ******. It was a guy I had the misfortune to work with for many years and he had retired a few years earlier. He was my supervisor and one of the most vile pricks I’ve ever known. I told her that I knew him. She told me he was her father. I smiled and told her he was a good guy. She probably knew I was lying but I wasn’t going to tell her the truth. It wasn’t her fault he was a douchebag.

  10. Never forget that they hate you.
    They hate what you stand for.
    They hate what you love.
    They want you destroyed.
    They want what you love destroyed.
    They want you dead.
    Never, ever forget that.
    Remember that YOU have a say in this.
    Commend your soul to God.
    Harden your heart.
    You won’t like losing.
    For all that you love and hold dear.
    It will be hard.
    It will be ugly.
    Bosnia X Rwanda.
    What have you done today to make that happen?

  11. Saul Alinsky said one of the keys to socialism/ communism is to divide people with hate. They are devilish.
    They will get their reward.
    Hopefully Eric’s faith is no longer on ice.

  12. “That’s what they want” “That’s what they want” “That’s what they want” “That’s what they want”

    Who are “THEY”?

  13. Zonga, I assume that Bolling had his phone on when he was chasing the guy. He said that another guy put the camera on his face also, when they stopped.

    The person saying “That’s what they want” is some friend of Bolling. Notice that he says, “Erick, that’s what they want”, meaning, they want us to react and make us the bad guys, it’s not worth.

  14. I echo Beachmom at 6:25am
    I pray for people who are angry at God to talk to him about it. He has the biggest shoulders in the universe. He wants a relationship, and sometimes those get heated.

  15. @ Corky March 21, 2019 at 9:59 pm ,

    Highly doubtful that you did something to anger God, but by saying something so spiteful that you still remember it 40 years later, she did.

    If you disclosed this to her, would she be surprised? Apologize?

    “If you are the same person you were 40 years ago, you wasted 40 years of living.” – M. Ali (“even a stopped clock is right twice a day”)

  16. I don’t want to expose this —– to the hate that he delivered to me

    At some point we’ll have to stop thinking like that. This man is the enemy. If you’re at war and your enemy shoots your best friend dead, you don’t hold your fire because it will expose the man to the same pain you’re feeling

    And lets stop with has EVERYONE lost their minds. Only half this country has lost its mind

  17. And it grieves me to talk like this, because about 5 of my 7 remaining siblings are in the “lost their mind” camp

    And it all boils down to malignant narcissism, pure and simple

  18. We all, naturally, would want to kick the crap out of the
    guy who taunted Eric Bolling about his dead son. But Mr. Bolling walked the walk about his faith. And I’m sure Eric Chase, in heaven, is proud of his dad.


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