“God, guns and babies” – Meet The Nation’s Youngest Black Legislator, Caleb Hanna – IOTW Report

“God, guns and babies” – Meet The Nation’s Youngest Black Legislator, Caleb Hanna

Daily Caller: The West Virginia House of Delegates convened Wednesday with a record-setter in its midst — freshman Del. Caleb L. Hanna, who became the nation’s youngest black legislator following his election at age 19 in November 2018.

“I always knew that I was not satisfied with the leadership I was getting within my own house district,” Hanna told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview. “I told myself if I ever had my opportunity to take that, I would give it my shot.”

At first, his small Republican campaign was designed to push Democratic incumbent Dana Lynch to be “more proactive in the legislature,” Hanna told TheDCNF. But things shifted when Hanna realized he could win the Republican primary — even if he was running his campaign from his dorm room at West Virginia State University, where he studies economics.  read more

10 Comments on “God, guns and babies” – Meet The Nation’s Youngest Black Legislator, Caleb Hanna

  1. Congrats, Mr. Hanna. There’s hope for this nation if people like this Generation Z young patriot are in charge. They seem to be pragmatic and resilient at their best and not interested in killing off the next generation.

  2. “The West Virginia House of Delegates convened Wednesday with a record-setter in its midst — freshman Del. Caleb L. Hanna, who became the nation’s youngest legislator with any brains following his election at age 19 in November 2018.”

  3. WV State Uni. pushes a lot of left leaning ideas, as so many of them do today. Del. Caleb Hanna is just a freshman, not been there long enough to be indoctrinated and turned onto Nutjob Rd. I hope he successfully evades the pressure to so do over the next four years.

    Katherine Johnson, the NASA mathematician who came to national recognition in the movie, Hidden Figures, is an WVSU alumni. A statue of her was unveiled on the campus last year. Sadly the movie was more entertainment than fact. The whole segregated restrooms bit in the building where she worked featured in the film never happened as one example.


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