God may no longer be referred to as a male in 2 U.S. divinity schools – IOTW Report

God may no longer be referred to as a male in 2 U.S. divinity schools

When are we dropping Mother Nature?

heat st.-

Guidelines at two top U.S. divinity schools have recommended professors use “inclusive” gender-neutral language—including for God, according to documents from both Duke and Vanderbilt.

Vanderbilt’s 2016-2017 catalog says the divinity school “commits continuously and explicitly to include gender as an analyzed category and to mitigate sexism” in its teachings. “This includes consistent attention to the use of inclusive language, especially in relation to the Divine,” the divinity school catalog says.

Melissa Snarr, the associate dean for academic affairs at Vanderbilt’s divinity school, said in an emailed statement that the 2016-2017 guidelines actually stem from a policy that dates back to 1999.

That document states that “masculine titles, pronouns, and imagery for God have served as a cornerstone for the patriarchy,” while also noting that not all of God’s names are gendered. It recommended “exploration of fresh language for God.”

Vanderbilt faculty vary in their views about how to express the divine, Snarr said. “It is up to the individual professor’s interpretation for their classes and is suggestive rather than mandatory,” she said of the 2016-2017 guidelines.


ht/ ann

40 Comments on God may no longer be referred to as a male in 2 U.S. divinity schools

  1. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the “Parental unit”, but by me.
    Doesn’t quite roll off the tongue, as the original.

  2. “In the name of the Parent, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.”

    How bout: “In the name of the Parent, the Offspring, and the Holy Ghost?”

    In the interest of “gender” equality, and all that …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @uncleAl

    It’s a little late to play the lightning card now. Needed to happen 8 years ago, but America needed to learn some lessons the hard way. Returning to the original subject of this post, His will be done. There. I said it.

  4. “Let us make MAN in our own image” So when I look in a mirror I KNOW what God looks like and it isn’t some transgender queer wanna be woman. I am not pretty but at least I know who and what I am.. 🙂

  5. No different than the March of Dimes, who are in your face every year about saving babies, then they donate millions to planned parenthood every year.

    Not a dime to any of them ever again. Don’t even try to guilt me at the grocery store check out, either. I don’t do guilt. Never have, never will.

  6. Pure heresy!

    How many times is the word “Father” mentioned in the Bible?
    Father: a : a man who has begotten a child. Webster’s Dictionary.
    A man, not a woman.

    Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
    “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?”
    “Gird up now your loins like a man; for I will demand of you, and you answer me.”
    Job 38:1-3
    “…like a man…”
    God is masculine, not feminine.

    I read the article and clearly see that when you start mixing secularist thought and humanistic ideals of enlightenment with Scripture, you end up with distorted ideas and plain perversion. Judging from the context and those quoted in the article, I must confess that you are clever, Lucifer. You’re also a liar. You deceive people who go on to spread your deception.

    “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.”
    Romans 8:7

    We didn’t design God, he designed us. He created FIRST a man, Adam, then a woman, Eve. “Let us make man in our own image…” The image of a man as a human being, then a woman.

    We will be like the angels in Heaven, where we will go beyond gender but still experience it in a way that we can’t understand right now. We’ll see our family members and friends, etc., but how they will be in bodily form is beyond our understanding, for now.

    We’ll see and understand it clearly one day…

    “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”
    1 Corinthians 13:12

  7. DON’T Cross yourself! Instead, put your butt in the air five times a day and declare loyalty to the Spaghetti Monster, and more so, the LBTQYXY whatever community, and the the Democrat party…

  8. Isn’t the idea that “certain” people’s brains might break, if exposed to the idea that, even if gender is an artificial human social construct, the Christian god chooses to be male — rather, well, just soooo sexist?

  9. God remains the Father regardless of the perversion that will be thought, spoken, written or taught by false prophets and christian charlatans.

    Matthew 7:23
    And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

  10. @cato

    I was thinking of quoting that verse. It, Judgement Day, is going to be the mother of all spectacles. Can you imagine all the famous preachers and others in the ministries around the world, from the beginning, who will blatantly stand before God and exclaim all the wonderful things they did for Him, only to admit it was all a lie. They built churches, started monasteries, performed and executed countless good works of charity and generosity, only to be shown that (before being cast into the Lake of Fire) it was all their own doing, and God was never really a part of it. Christ was never their Savior. It sends shivers up my spine sometimes thinking about that day to come.

  11. @manbearpig, exactly. They don’t believe in God. They’ve created a new religion completely distinct from Christianity. As a wise man said almost 100 years ago: there is no such thing as Liberal Christianity. There is just Christianity and then there is Liberalism.

  12. They have been given over to a reprobate mind, don’t take them seriously, they are no longer followers of Christ.
    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.

    Definition of whited sepulcher
    Merriam Webster def: a person inwardly corrupt or wicked but outwardly or professedly virtuous or holy : (in other words hypocrites)

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