GoFundMe – Trump’s Wall – IOTW Report

GoFundMe – Trump’s Wall

I’m not sure this will get to 1 Billion, but it’s a statement.

ht/ tsunami

41 Comments on GoFundMe – Trump’s Wall

  1. If it made 5 million a day it would “only” take 200 days to reach the goal.
    It’s more symbolic to see how many people participate.
    I’d like to see 1 million donators, rather than reach the monetary goal.

  2. I donated half an hour ago and it was at 3.9 million. It’s over 4.2 million as of now.

    If it is a scam, then each dollar stolen is equal to bad karma in the pocket of the taker.

    I think this ISN’T a scam.

  3. That just leaves the eminent domain issue. How can we build the wall if people won’t give up their land and congress won’t take it? Unfortunately, government is the only ones that can make a wall happen. $5B is couch cushion money for the feds. Money is not the issue. Lack of political will is the problem. The uni-party doesn’t want a wall. Our desires are not their concern.

  4. BFH DECEMBER 20, 2018 AT 10:50 AM
    I think the money is returned if you don’t get to the goal.

    I think.



    Don’t think so… But if’n you’re in a donating mood, this still needs help…
    Shrinking the tumor with possible surgery upcoming and he has gained some of his sight back…
    Remember the “Tallest Man Thread”? Tumor in the same place…
    Click my avatar…

    OOPS, click my alias!

  5. I don’t think it is a scam. Not one bit.

    What I’m saying is, the left will put a stop to it if it seems to gain traction. Look, if they can stop (or interminably delay) Trump in the execution of his constitutional duties, they can and will stop this. I do wish it were otherwise but you know where we live now.

  6. According to Brian Kolfage, founder, triple amputee veteran, all money will be refunded if the goal is not met, or the money is not needed.
    I’m in for a “yard.”

    They now have 4,105, 895 in three days. Not bad.
    Grool. Stop with the white flag crap please.

  7. Grool,

    if the left puts a stop to it – all the better! With as much publicity this has gained in 3 days can you imagine the social backlash if Facebook cuts it off?

    They’ll cut their own throat by exposing themselves to many who don’t know what’s really going on with left-wing censorship.

    Patriots win either way.

  8. Isn’t our President great? No! This is ridiculous!
    Trump should have said, “I want that Wall! And I’m gonna build it.”
    “But Mr. President you can’t do that.”
    At that point Trump should have forced the Democrats to publicly say, “No, no, no to American security.” To show their hand to the American public. But he didn’t. All he’s done is create a tailwind of the sense of, “We’ve won. He backed down on the Wall. We scared him with the Shut-down. We got him good!”
    What happened to that “You’re Fired” guy? Sorry, but this GoFundMe – Trump’s Wall is ridiculous!

  9. Over 66K people in just three days.
    That’s more than the Dems can create for votes in that amount of time.
    The wife wants to donate, I gotta figger out how with an anonymous gift card or something. So GoFundMe doesn’t have a ‘mysterious, Russian’ hack into my bank account.

  10. So how many are jumping off the Trump train?




    Dr. Jay has the mind set that seems to be expanding like the links above…
    It shouldn’t require a go fund me page and I’m thinking our kid is as deserving like perhaps many thousands in need… But hasn’t seen anything as his is dying

    Promise, last time I’ll attach to my Alias for clicking…

  11. “Grool. Stop with the white flag crap please.”

    Shove it. Don’t assume anything about me. It’s just a fact that one man alone can’t fight the swamp when 90% of his supposed Republican allies in Congress are really Democrats.

    I sincerely hope he isn’t but if Trump ends up completely neutralized by the swamp, the good thing is that he will have revealed them and EVERYONE will finally know who’s on whose side, and conservatives are not likely to forget.

  12. I’m in. GFM had a $500,000 campaign limit and let the creator increase to a Billion. I’ll volunteer to go help with the construction by drinking coffee, eating donuts and supervising.

    If you don’t want a bunch of spam e-mail you can always create another account at mail.com, free.

  13. If the 60 million who voted for now PRESIDENT Trump each donated $80 – you reach the goal of $5 Billion.
    Republicans are idiots. All they have to do is ABSCOND Liberal EMOTION-SPEAK.

  14. This is awesome. What lefty who wants to raise our taxes sends in extra money voluntarily? Or starts a GFM page for hundreds of thousands of like minded people to donate to? Ha!
    I want a wall. I’m donating a bit. I’ve spent more and got less on my tax return. This has an actual chance of working, or at least embarrassing the naysayers, which is a good consolation prize.

  15. Com on Gruel, and all a you, y’all can afford a half a yard or maybe more. It’s a great cause, Imagine, just imagine, If “We the People” raised the entire cost. As Pinko said 60 million deplorables at 75 bucks a pop. ? Keep goin’ guys.
    Imagine if “We the People” along with President Trump built the wall and secured the border and secured America and prevented disease, and crime. Imagine

  16. Here ya go….I can work a track hoe pretty good….I know some other old fucks that can work all sorts of equipment and such…we will work for free….How do ya pass that up?….


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