Gohmert: Enforce Immigration Laws or Become ‘A Third-World Nation’ – IOTW Report

Gohmert: Enforce Immigration Laws or Become ‘A Third-World Nation’


Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) argued that the United States’ failure to enforce its immigration statutes makes it similar to Mexico and that continued failure to enforce the law would make the US “a third world nation” in an interview on “The Sean Hannity Show.” 

Gohmert declared that one of the primary roles of the government is “to provide for the common defense” against those who illegally cross the border.  He further stated that he thought there was great “irony” in the fact that people flee lawlessness in Mexico, but then come to the US and say “we want you to ignore the rule of law, which ironically makes us like the country they came from.”



11 Comments on Gohmert: Enforce Immigration Laws or Become ‘A Third-World Nation’

  1. Given our debt:GDP, idiotic electorate, organized worship of a godlike stinking politician, manipulated economic stats, failed government schools, nationalized healthcare and polyglot cities where tribal Obamites attack and kill Dear Leader’s targets, I’d say we’re already at Second World and falling fast. Old Louie is right.

  2. ….failure to enforce the law would make the US “a third world nation”

    There needs to be a slight correction; To enforce the law would make the US “a third world nation”.

  3. A possible scenario — The UN will look at our southern border and declare a humanitarian crisis (50,000 children and counting… the UN will call them refugees).

    They then send in a cohort of UN troops/watchdogs on our own soil — what then?? This is just what Zero wants — an intentional breakdown of our sovereignty on all levels.

  4. It’s funny how the term “third world” has changed over the years. Way back when (I think shortly after the second world war and the start of the cold war the term used to refer to countries that were aligned with democracy and the US, the second world were countries aligned with communism (and socialism I think) and the USSR and the third world were countries that had self proclaimed non-aligned with either country or ideology. Now it seems to mean a slum with a seat at the UN.

  5. Pass a law that states all illegals made legal be an Obama executive order can never vote. Ever.
    The left will drop the idea and send them all back. That’s all they want an overwhelming number of new Democrat voters.
    Since they are aborting their own supply.

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