Gohmert Goes After DOJ Worm Over Lies He is Telling About FISA Warrants – IOTW Report

Gohmert Goes After DOJ Worm Over Lies He is Telling About FISA Warrants

The FISA abuse by the DOJ is unAmerican. It violates the constitution. This DOJ shitstain lies to congress. What happens to the these liars?

17 Comments on Gohmert Goes After DOJ Worm Over Lies He is Telling About FISA Warrants

  1. Gohmert just needs to announce “o.k., you just essentially admitted that the FISA court engages in unconstitutional domestic activities. Let’s move on.”

    The weasel witness will undoubtable protest that that’s not he said, to which Gohmert should then say “then prove me wrong.”

    Play the liberal game.

  2. When Wray or Garland send their lieutenants to testify before congress they all get the same talk, “Look, we have to pretend that we are cooperating so go and make your appearance, but remember, you don’t have to tell them shit. They will ho and hum and look all serious but we decide what happens here in this town. just repeat this line,’ I can’t comment on an ongoing investigation’, and all will be good”.

    There is no such thing as oversight and every congressman on that committee knows it.

  3. The main problem is that the House and Senate “oversight” committees let the alphabet agencies get away with the lies…..

    The alphabet agencies get to self regulate and that’s the problem……Who gets to investigate and grant security clearances to oversight members….Who determines the classification and release of info….???

    The fox is guarding the hen house.

  4. I am SO tempted to cuss out a red streak of expletives!! I’m praying right now so that I’m not provoked to stumble.

    All I’ll say is I AM SICK TO EYEBALLS of listening to people like Gohmert and the endless parade of liars across from him. I’m very tempted to go search Gohmert’s legislative sponsorship since ott ‘6 to see if he’s actually sponsored anything other than the naming of a state park or a special day for his state. Because that is what most of them do, year in and year out. In between those times they sit on so-called “oversight” committees and raise a ruckus for the cameras.

    As for the lying liar with the word “Honorable” in front of his name (spit). . .

    Nope. I better stop right there.

  5. @AA – Gohmert is one of the better congress weasels we have (which isn’t necessarily saying a lot). One fairly recent bill he introduced would have prohibited any organization that receives federal funds including the federal govt. itself to require anyone to take a “vaccine” involuntarily and without actual informed consent. Of course, with the communists in power, the bill went nowhere. He does consistently piss off all the right people though. This link shows that he is over the left wing target by the flak they are aiming at him.


  6. I remember when everyone would get so excited with Trey Gowdy and these days it seems to be Jim Jordan. Yet nothing ever gets done, nobody ever suffers any consequences and anything that changes is for the worst.
    We don’t have fair elections, so we get the shit stains we get in DC, yet the only solution anyone seems to have is to keep on voting in rigged elections that send RINOS back to DC.

    Our government needs to be totally torn down and rebuilt and those drawing a government check sure as heck aren’t going to do it.

  7. I hope I’m still around and able when the shit really, really hits the fan so that I can do my part to bring justice to some of the evil bastards running our government.

  8. @Ed357 August 2, 2022 at 8:39 pm

    > The fox is guarding the hen house.

    When the chicken rancher hears the screams, he reaches for his (Biden* approved) shotgun. But then (like an episode of Green Acres) his neighbor’s Pride Poxed face appears through the window. And warns him, “Not all foxes are like that!”

    So, our an heroic protangonist, stays in his (iPhone controlled) La-Z-Boy. Thanks his neighbor, for his service. Tosses him his wallet. And agrees that, “To be better, by doing better.”, said neighbor (and his husbands) can take (all) his single mommy daughters’ sons “camping”, this weekend.

    The End(?)
    [Of course not]

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