Going for the Party of Treason’s Jugular – IOTW Report

Going for the Party of Treason’s Jugular


I wish to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democratic Party.  I have watched it closely since the days of Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation have come to it through this so-called party, therefore beware of this party of treason[italics added]—Nathaniel Grigsby (1811-1890), Civil War vet, from his tombstone

Plus ça change, plus c’est la meme chose —The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Any remaining doubts that “we the people” may have had about where the Democrat’s loyalties lay were put to rest during President Trump’s recent “State of the Union” address.  When he promoted jobs for the jobless the Democrats sat on their hands.  When he advocated giving aid to victims of crime the Democrats booed.  And when President Trump honored the widow of a fallen American SEAL the Democrats sat stone-faced and silent.

The Democrats (and their #NEVER TRUMP Republican cohorts) are globalists—and globalists are by nature anti-nation states.  More to the point, Democrats and their Republican cohorts are anti-American.  In a word, they are treasonous —and their treasonous nature was on full display for the nation to see during Trump’s speech.

There can no longer be any doubt whatsoever that “the progressive agenda is a dagger aimed at the heart of America’s social contract and the security of the American people.”  Conservative Republican members of Congress had best stop playing their “hail fellow well met” collegial games with these Democratic a—holes and get serious about saving the United States of America—NOW.

The quote from the paragraph directly above comes from David Horowitz’s book “Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America”—a book that I strongly suggest conservative members of Congress purchase and read.  Horowitz understands the war and the nature of the enemy—he pulls no punches.  MORE

16 Comments on Going for the Party of Treason’s Jugular

  1. Crybaby democrats should be used in ATTACK ADS now and until the 2020 elections. They CAN’T STAND AND SUPPORT the idea we need to be safe from Radical Islamic Terrorism? Wow.

  2. President Trump has a clear picture of the enemies of the U.S. He is unafraid and pulls no punches. And he has the roar of the stomped upon, by progressives, majority of citizens of this nation.

    Congressional republicans are on notice, we voted the democRATS out of office, and we WILL vote them out, also. We are mad as hell, and we are standing WITH President Trump. He is not afraid to scream that their souls are naked.

  3. Poor Mr. Nathaniel Grigsby, he should have lived until our time and saw the horrible stuff we have to deal with! The shock would have transmogrified him on site!

  4. Stop using the term “globalist”. It is a BS term to blind people to the aim of this cabal of new imperialists to destroy America and Western civilization generally.

  5. Oh, for fuck’s sake!
    Satan stalks the Earth. He has taken up a temporary residence in the DNC. He is well-known in the Kremlin, the Forbidden City, Brussels, Harare, Caracas, Havana, NYC, LA, Detroit, DC, St. Louis, Chicago, Gary, &c. President Trump may be able to knock him on his heel, but eliminate him? We, the People … We, the People … We are ultimately responsible for it! All of it! Abortion, murder, rape, grinding poverty, drugs, hate, corruption – whatever We allow, Satan takes up the baton! The other nations of the world are nations of slaves – only We, for a brief, shining moment, showed all mankind what was possible! And half of us – fully HALF – are now begging to be enslaved!
    Don’t point your finger; look in the mirror (yeah, me too).

    Sorry, rant over.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. My hypothesis: Today’s democrats are cut from the same cloth as the loyalists during the revolution. They would prefer to be “subjects” provided for by an all powerful king while seeking naught but conformity. The state (crown) is what they prefer to self reliance and personal responsibility.

    The smartest thing we ever did was expel the loyalists after the revolution. The dumbest thing we ever did was fail to repeat the exercise with every census.

  7. @Tim

    “never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.”
    Winston Churchill-Oct 29, 1941

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