Gold Diggers – IOTW Report

Gold Diggers

Explaining to leftists why the owner of a business shouldn’t be forced to share profits of an enterprise with the workers is a waste of time. That’s why we have this easy to comprehend cartoon that you can plunk your liberal friend down in front of while you go do something more productive. Watch

7 Comments on Gold Diggers

  1. Does this apply to the top 20 gazillionaires who got rich by manipulating the law, the markets, and buying politicians? Looking at you bill gates, carlos slim, jeff bezos.

  2. If you agree to work for someone at the rate offered, that’s that. If you don’t like it, go elsewhere or start your own business. That includes the people who work for Microsoft, Apple and Amazon.

  3. If a cartoon would make them see the illogical viewpoint they hold I’d say go to it. Their views are emotionally conceived and they won’t budge. All they have to feel good about themselves is their moral superiority while the rest of us pay the freight. I say exterminate them and be done with it.

  4. Share the profits, share the risks, share the failures.
    It’s called “buying into” the company – either through stock or directly as a partner.

    “Workers” have many options – at least in a free society – in a socialist/totalitarian, they have none … I mean WE have none.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The only thing more overrated than Natural Childbirth…

    The Joy of Owning Your Own Business!

    That’s the truth.

    I was explaining this to a young man helping paint my house yesterday.

    Don’t like your boss? Quit and be self-employed!

    I have over 400 bosses now.

    One bonus: I can fire any of those bosses if they’re too troublesome, unreasonable, or anything I find detrimental to my self or business.

    Most people want someone else to do all that boring, headache making management stuff anyways so they don’t even try. You have to write checks to people you never met and never will. If you don’t, they come shut you down. Mafia or State? Hard to tell sometimes.


    At least you get to keep your integrity when asked to do something outside the lines legally or morally. If you don’t have solid integrity and all you care abut is the dollar in front of your eyes, it’s going to bite you in the ass hard. Better make sure any tendencies for greed are squashed.

    Last week, I turned an inspector for Terminix in to the state for an inspection report was obvious he came to sell a $1500 monitoring system (not an actual treatment!} and not give an honest assessment. I’m convinced he was trained to do that. He didn’t report 70 feet of conducive conditions that will rot the house if left alone. Says he found live termites but did not recommend a treatment plan to deal with them. That was the real clincher. He could be just inept up to that point. State requires you submit what you would do the job for so they have a ballpark idea of what to negotiate over in the sale of the house.

    So the one thing that was actually bad was not mentioned and he found termites no one else can. There are always dead swarmers or shed wings if they swarm indoors. Nothing anywhere but a few dead gnats on the window sills. Liar. Greed driven. “Hello Texas Dept of Agriculture. I’d like to make a report of attempted fraud”. Hope he shits himself silly and stops his lying ways out of fear.


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