Gomer Pyle Dances – IOTW Report

Gomer Pyle Dances

21 Comments on Gomer Pyle Dances

  1. My parents had parties where people would dance.
    I miss those days when entertaining at home was like that.
    People don’t do actual dances much now.
    Fun videos.

  2. @Beachmom

    D-i-l was astounded to see my home movies of people dancing in the “recreation room” during parties in the basement. She’d never heard of such a thing. Those were good days, indeed,.

  3. Acting, singing and dancing all done very well. Most stars of the day were versatile.
    Frank Sutton and Ronnie Shell gave a good account of themselves as dancers as well in the first video.

  4. It didn’t work too well for the Navy either during the Vietnam War. There were a lot of dumb jerks, both black and white who should’ve never been allowed to serve in the military except for the never-ending need for more manpower to fight that unpopular war. Most of us who volunteered were highly motivated and educated while a lot of the draftees weren’t since they didn’t want to be there in the first place. No one wanted to be cannon fodder manipulated by the government to fight their dirty little war for them. LBJ and McNamara were both assholes who should’ve never been in charge of that damned war.

  5. One of my hunting buddies used to own a vacuum cleaner shop in Hawaii. Jim Nabors was one of his frequent costumers. He’d often come in with a scantily clad ‘pool boy’ in tow. He said Nabors was as about as flamboyant a rump ranger can be.


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