Good Morning America: Look how celebrities suffer – IOTW Report

Good Morning America: Look how celebrities suffer

Patriot Retort: For those of you who lost businesses and jobs thanks to panicky, power-mad governors and mayors, Good Morning America is there in a pinch to put things into perspective.

You think you have it rough this Christmastime?


15 Comments on Good Morning America: Look how celebrities suffer

  1. Oh… these poor people… my heart pumps warm piss for them. Save yourself the ear bleed and DO NOT click on the video and listen to another no-talent nobody butcher a Christmas classic… and what’s with the twat in the Kamalalalala sweater?… I can see her extra chromosome all the way over here in PA.

  2. So many of their “perfect” staged scenes actually make me nauseous. Faked perfection does that to me. Not kidding. Have experienced that since childhood.

    Look how cold and empty that perfection is. Nicki Minaj is at the top of that list. Like a psycho rules that place.

  3. Put it into perspective this way: These people in Hollywierd can’t wind a watch without a personal assistant or get along without a personal trainer, a Pool boy, house-keepers, chauffeurs, makeup artists, consultants, Analysts and psychiatrists while living life through the revolving door of divorce courts, bankruptcy courts, custody courts, criminal courts and rehab centers, yet will gladly preach to everyone on the planet what to eat, how to raise yer kids, what kind of energy we need, what kind of Gay electric clown-car to drive (while they ride in limousines) and, of course, who to vote for who inevitably turns out to be a colossal cluster-fuck who will gladly give away Other People’s Money for votes and power or maybe just flat-out sell the entire country to the Chicoms!

  4. Mankind has always worshipped some maggots or other.
    Greeks would appoint a guy Admiral who ran fast! or had a fast team of horses!

    We PAY these maggots to prance and preen their maggotry.

    Again, as Pogo said: “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

    All of the maggots in Hollyweird would be living out of dumpsters if they didn’t have OUR money. Same with our shit-stain politicians.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Al Bundy & Clark Griswold were more realistic than any made for TV Christmas special I’ve ever seen.

    If you have the stomach for it Bad Santa 1 & 2 are severely offensive and politically horrific.

  6. MJA – I might actually pay to send them to another country. Wait, no I won’t, they make much more than I do. My 1500′ house is about the size of their bathrooms. GTH you losers

  7. Here’s my rule of thumb regarding entertainment that comes through the TV: if it has a script and it’s not on TCM or MeTV I have no interest in it. None. Couldn’t care less about any of the crap on Netflix, HBO, or anything like that. I have no idea who any of these celebrity imbeciles are and I don’t want to know. I watch Gold Rush, Life Below Zero, Maine Cabin Masters and old movies and TV shows.


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