Good News – Kim Jung Un Reportedly in Vegetative State – At Least Now the People Under Rule of Leftism Will Have Something To Eat – IOTW Report

Good News – Kim Jung Un Reportedly in Vegetative State – At Least Now the People Under Rule of Leftism Will Have Something To Eat


31 Comments on Good News – Kim Jung Un Reportedly in Vegetative State – At Least Now the People Under Rule of Leftism Will Have Something To Eat

  1. …I wonder if the Chinese gave Li’l Kimmie the Rosemary Kennedy treatment on PURPOSE, it’s kind of how Democra…I mean, Communist deal with people they are responsible for who embarass them, if they’re too old to jab scissors into the back of their necks, that is…

  2. Let’s see. If he were a vegetable, what would he be? A pot-bellied rutabaga? A Dictator dill weed? A commie cabbage? Or rotten radish. Well, whatever, here’s hoping he becomes compost for the people of NoKo to fertilize their own gardens.

  3. If Kim were a vegetable, what kind would he be? … ala Jimmy Carter softball interview … What kind of a tree would you be?

    I’ll say something that spoiled in the Kimchi.

  4. Did you hear about the carrot and the potato that where in a terrible car accident, the doctor says their going to be vegetables the rest of their lives. Sorry its all I could dig up…

  5. Every country has a national vegetable. In Italy it’s the tomato. In Poland it’s the cabbage. In Belgium it’s the endive.

    NK should name Kim Jung Un as their national vegetable.

  6. Jimmy
    APRIL 25, 2020 AT 2:45 PM
    “^ Pick a poisonous member of the Nightshade family.”

    …HEY, I resemble that remark…

    …(actually NOT my handle origin, it’s more of a ‘groaner’ than that, BUT my wife IS a Bella Donna (from the Italian), NOT to be confused with Belladonna, although some would argue that they ARE the same thing…;)

  7. In times like these with the coronavirus running rampant I wouldn’t rejoice too much in someone’s death and demise.
    You could be next. Democrats and Republicans alike. It says something about you more than it does Kim Jung Un. Have you no decency?

    I’m sure there are people just waiting to piss on your grave too

  8. I hope the nasty little fatso recovers. President Trump flattered KJU into a state where Kim was useful to Trump’s sticking his thumb in Xi’s eye. Any successor to Kim will take time to similarly maneuver, if that’s even possible.


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