Good News! Leftist Millennials Don’t Plan on Having Kids! – IOTW Report

Good News! Leftist Millennials Don’t Plan on Having Kids!

16 Comments on Good News! Leftist Millennials Don’t Plan on Having Kids!

  1. The Japanese are not having enough children to maintain their population, because manga, hentai, anime, and plain old Asian porn is better than the real thing.

  2. I want to get out in front of this and make a ridged statement about International Men’s Day on Nov. 19th. To participate, you need a penis, and the sensibility to understand that it is men who set things in motion… they are called families. A family without a Father is a convenience; so for the shameless fools who would think it eco-insensitive to have families I would pose the question, how does one get into God’s family, and why does the Good Book call that family a Fatherhood? To say it’s not good to have children is the same pap taught in the 60’s by luminaries such as USAID, and quacks like Garrett Hardin. Refusing to have children if the opposite side of the coin that aborts them, and it is the same as telling God He doesn’t care.

  3. Wow. The number of young people citing “facts” that Ocasio-Cortez pulled out of her ass is astounding.

    Environmental concerns aside, the socialist society these people think they want would collapse without at least maintaining our current population, and more likely the population would need to increase. Socialism is a Ponzi scheme – it relies on a robust work force to pay for benefits given the people who were promised retirement or handouts. Having just one or two children doesn’t cut it – the total replacement rate for a native population is slightly over 2.0. Most European nations are under this, and this is likely a major reason immigration is being promoted in those nations.

  4. Parental Traumatic Stress Disorder,,,
    been around a lot longer then, well,
    you know,
    scars are forever,,
    sincere thanks, for the understood before and after meaning.
    Shakes your hand Viet,,

  5. My first reaction was ‘THANK GOD’! But you never know how a kid will turn out regardless of upbringing. I know a very, well traveled, conservative Christian, easy going, set of parents who have a daughter that is now a socialist left-tard (and her boyfriend is even worse).

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