Good Samaritan Motorist Kills Man Who Shot, Assaulted State Trooper – IOTW Report

Good Samaritan Motorist Kills Man Who Shot, Assaulted State Trooper


A motorist who witnessed an Arizona state trooper being physically assaulted by a man along a remote stretch of Interstate 10 early Thursday morning took matters into his own hands and fatally shot the perpetrator, who had also shot the trooper prior to the good Samaritan’s arrival, officials said.

“My trooper would not be alive without his assistance,” Department of Public Safety Director Ralph Milstead said of the motorist.

The bizarre incident began around 4 a.m. when the officer, a 27-year veteran, responded to a separate driver’s call about gunfire in the area. Milstead said the driver had called police to report being shot at while driving along Interstate 10. It’s unclear if the person who fired at the vehicle is the suspect who shot the trooper.

As the trooper arrived in the general vicinity where the caller had reported being shot at, the trooper spotted a rollover car wreck, where a woman was ejected. She was later pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.

As the trooper was blocking off lanes and setting up flares, the assailant shot the trooper in the chest and then proceeded to physically attack him, Milstead said. Police said they believe that the man who shot and assaulted the trooper was the driver of the vehicle that crashed.


18 Comments on Good Samaritan Motorist Kills Man Who Shot, Assaulted State Trooper

  1. We had a similar incident in west Texas back in the 1970s. A man and his son, returning from deer hunting, were stopped at a roadside rest stop, when they saw a man who had been pulled over by a State Trooper, fatally shoot that officer. When the man left his car to make sure the trooper was dead and possibly retrieve the trooper’s weapon, the hunter dropped him with one well-placed shot from his hunting rifle.

    The hunter’s identity was protected and Homer Garrison, DPS Commissioner at the time, gave him an award, which he politely declined.

  2. It’s been said many times before. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Not complicated.

    I’m sure the hero doesn’t consider himself to be one.

  3. Time to start talking about some kind of Federal policy in recognition of legally armed citizens intervening in violent crimes in progress.
    Create a Federal DoJ policy that States can emulate, hopefully.

  4. If he was a muslim or a dindu or a wetback, we’ll find out in a month or so. Until then assume he was a white, racist, Trump Putin supporting, gun loving deplorable.

  5. Not the version I first read.

    Shortly into it, they were investigating if the ejected dead woman was shot by the same man – causing the accident.

    There were reports of shots being fired at motorists in the area.

    I’ll try to find a link to it.

  6. Here in CT, I have to wonder whether I’d be hauled into court for doing the same thing. I can hear it now…

    Were you yourself in fear of Great Bodily Harm?

    This place is nuts. Glad the cop is ok!

  7. Of course it was through Bearing Arms where I had found it.

    Evidence coming in now is suggesting that the man who attacked the trooper had been shooting at other vehicles prior to the woman crashing, suggesting the deceased suspect may have taken her life before he attacked the DPS trooper.

    According to DPS Col. Frank Milstead, a citizen called to report that their vehicle was shot at from the median near milepost 81 on Interstate 10.

    A trooper in the area left another traffic stop nearby to investigate the call when he came upon a rollover crash near milepost 89. He saw a woman who had been ejected from the crash and began working to block lanes.

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