Good Short Summation of Where the Election Stands – IOTW Report

Good Short Summation of Where the Election Stands

ht/ michelle’s big beaver

18 Comments on Good Short Summation of Where the Election Stands

  1. I think it all stands with five supreme court justices. Do they have the balls?
    I can’t help but remember they passed on zero’s birth certificate.

    Am i supposed to have faith in state legislatures? I don’t. Not an ounce.

  2. I know Gateway Pundit can be…dramatic, but still, let me add their summation:

    “** There are many smoking guns and we are going to need federal protection for many people
    ** 3 million dead people voted
    ** A lot of the evidence of fraud is coming out next week. We have more evidence coming in every day. It only gets worse and worse.
    ** The fraud was very widespread, very deliberate and very well funded.
    ** Everybody and their pet rock is trying to stop me from exposing it.
    ** I think the fraud went much further than just President Trump. I think they did it to John James and others.
    ** We have data out of California in 2016 that Hillary Clinton did it to Bernie Sanders there.
    ** We have a number of smoking guns and we may have to get witness protection for them.
    ** We have a lot of evidence, it’s beyond impressive and absolutely terrifying.
    ** These are federal court lawsuits. They’re paramount to any future life of our republic.
    ** We ‘ve got evidence of people being paid. We got check studs from people being paid.”

    And Tuck Cucker Farlson… He’s dead to me.

  3. Thomas Wictor, the “John The Baptist Of Politics,” says the military intercepted the raw vote count as the votes were sent overseas.


  4. I temember a video by Jake Novak before the election by Jake Novak, where he wondered why the Biden campaign was raising monstrous amounts of money, but they weren’t campaigning or doing any GOTV ground game that would require that kind of cash. Now it’s obvious they were buying the most inclusive and extensive voter fraud organization in history.

  5. Besides democrats, there are two Republicans I hope they prove took money and committed fraud and that is those two pieces of shit in Georgia.
    You know they’re throwing their own hail Mary, hoping none of it gets proven, because if it does even if they don’t go to jail, they will never be elected to anything ever again and won’t be allowed in polite society.

  6. Chicago Deplorable,

    You do realize, that Vox is doing in spades what it’s accusing Tucker of doing, right? But with some serious lies. It’s time to shut down all of them.

  7. Some of the Democrats were certainly talking as if they knew the fix was in, and it actually was their only hope to win (steal) the election from Trump who obviously was the more popular candidate. Now it seems they are beginning to panic and becoming more irrational (if possible) in their talking points and crazy accusations. Trump supporters must keep their cool and stay the course supporting him and leaving no stone unturned in seeking the truth.

  8. Of course they cheated. You know it, I know it, my DOG knows it….everyone with the IQ of soap knows that fraud on a scale heretofore only imagined was committed.
    The problem is FACTS, EVIDENCE, PROOF…..none of that matters. The left has had decades to create the machine necessary to steal elections and four years to conspire and plan to steal THIS election. They have covered all the bases. They OWN the media, the FBI, the JustUs Department and most Federal agencies. They OWN most Federal Judges including most of the judges appointed by Bush Sr and Jr. who were RINO’s. The left literally OWNS all the enforcement mechanisms that would normally deal with this crime. With this election they just gave America a giant middle finger and are LAUGHING at us. IF…and that’s a big if….the issue makes it to the SCOTUS Trump may have a chance. Odds of this getting there are not good. So far five judges in five states have summarily dismissed lawsuits addressing the fraud. Expect THAT to be the norm.

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