Goodbye Netherlands!!! – IOTW Report

Goodbye Netherlands!!!

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Dutch morons sing a “WELCOME” song to muslim refugees infiltrating their country.

What a bunch of clueless bints.

You know, it is very hard to believe that this is actually what this video is depicting. Maybe this is a hoax. Maybe they are singing about wooden shoes and chocolates. One can only hope.

ht/ billy fuster

21 Comments on Goodbye Netherlands!!!

  1. “I want to learn about you”

    Oh, you’re gonna learn alright!

    This message brought to you by letters “I”, for ‘Infidel’;……and “J” for ‘Jizya’ tax. Tomorrow, we’ll be represented by the letter “B” for ‘beheaded’.

  2. Europe is dead. Of course the media is going to show this to support the cause and naturally there are moonbats who still think that Muslims are warm cute and cuddly like newborn kittens.

    Fact is this invasion is giving rise to nationalism all across Europe and while not widely reported the Continent is coordinating militarily. And muslims have no intentions of assimilating only conquering and Islamizing the world

    Quite frankly I think it’s part of the plan to exterminate hundreds of millions of people re population control just as the pope recently suggested and the new UN 2030 Agenda.There’s too much resistance to bomb the ME so just ship em all to Europe and its a twofer

    In any event things are going to get ugly fast

  3. If I was a MOOSLIM

    I’m lookin’ at that photo and see some “fresh chicken” for the taking

    Can’t wait to dig in! (never “had a yellow hair gal before)


    Goodbye Netherlands!!!

  4. I strenuously object to using that term. The Neanderthals were peaceful hunters and you probably could live with them as you neighbors which is the exact opposite what Mooslims are. Mooslims can only be your neighbor if you have the upper hand but beware them when they have the upper hand as so many Christians in Scuzlim countries have found out.

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