Goodbye Portland – IOTW Report

Goodbye Portland

Check out the leader in Portland’s mayoral race. Look at what she is wearing.

Here is her campaign manager-

32 Comments on Goodbye Portland

  1. Everyone always says oh this is it when liberal cities go full retard but they end up just doubling down and going further left. I hope Pence exposes Kamala tonight as the radical lunatic she is otherwise so goes the entire country.

  2. When do we start considering this voter block an invading force trying to destroy America. These people are like cancer that easily spread their disease to weak minded people. And there seems to be no shortage of weak mined people lately.

  3. I was in Frisco (they hate it when you call it that) 1971, Haight/Assbury was over.
    Bought a pair of Levi overalls, yeah, who knew, overalls.
    They had a store there, it’s like Coke and Atlanta.
    They were printed in black over a dark purple.
    Same faces, was advertised as, People Pants.
    They were stolen, damn the luck, haven’t seen any others.

  4. Tell me again exactly why we have to save the cities?
    I don’t give a shit about shitholes full of criminals, who use the ballot box to make criminal behavior and sloth legal and subsidized.

    No. Seriously. Why would a person living in central Montana or central Virginia give a rat’s ass?

    Portland apparently feels they’ve not yet hit rock bottom and keep coming back for more.

    Save yourselves. Don’t call me.

  5. PHenry

    It’s not saving the cities. It’s stomping out Liberal/Communist whack jobs. And why? Because next thing you know they move to Virginia and fuck up your state. This has nothing really to do with real estate.

  6. Portland can go any way it wishes to go.
    It is not incumbent upon US to pay for their perfidies.

    Communism is, at root, a system by which a small cell of vainglorious nihilistic maggots control the majority. If the peeps of Portland want to stick their heads into the socialist noose, they may do so, AND have every right to do so. The remainder of Oregon should refuse to pay for it. The other 49 states should refuse to finance it. Let it collapse of its own critical mass. The 99% will soon tire of handing over their belongings to the 1% – who will live most ostentatiously as Grand Viziers above and beyond the yokels, ensconced in their gated, guarded communities while the yokels suffer depredations at the hands of the street thugs.

    Fuck em. Let em wallow in their own shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I can’t figure out if she is leading Ted Wheeler in the polls only because – she’s not Ted Wheeler. She’s worse than him though, voters have to know that, right? 🤦🏼‍♀️

  8. Brad. I don’t disagree that commie scum need to be fumigated and irradicated. I guess their first move 20 some years ago in legalizing pot was useful in delivering a compliant population too brain addled to fight back.

    I will watch Bill (DeBlasio) and Ted (Wheeler)’s Excellent Adventure from afar.

  9. As if Portland isn’t already screwed up enough with their current Mayor Ted Wheeler. Wild horses couldn’t get me to want to visit Portland ever again, it was screwed up bad enough when I lived there from 1971-72 when I was just 18 and 19 years old. Who the hell is the white guy that looks like Slick Willie standing next to her?


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