Goodyear Mandates Training that teaches employees BLM Good – MAGA Bad – IOTW Report

Goodyear Mandates Training that teaches employees BLM Good – MAGA Bad

As 24News – reported Tuesday, a leaked mandated “diversity training” training session from Goodyear branded “Blue Lives Matter,” “All Lives Matter” and “MAGA” attire “unacceptable,” while deeming Black Lives Matter and LGBT slogans to be “acceptable.”

A leaked slide of their “zero tolerance” policy makes clear which opinions are allowed and which aren’t.

Under acceptable: Black Lives Matter (BLM), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride.

Listed as unacceptable: Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, MAGA Attire, Political Affiliated Slogans or Material.

According to a report from WIBW, the person who took the photo of the slide said that it was presented at a Topeka plant by an area manager and says it came from their corporate office out of Akron, Ohio.

“If someone wants to wear a BLM shirt in here, then cool. I’m not going to get offended about it. But at the same time, if someone’s not going to be able to wear something that is politically based, even in the farthest stretch of the imagination, that’s discriminatory,” the employee told the station under the agreement of anonymity due to fears they could lose their job. “If we’re talking about equality, then it needs to be equality. If not, it’s discrimination.”

ht/ jd hasty

55 Comments on Goodyear Mandates Training that teaches employees BLM Good – MAGA Bad

  1. I live in the Cleveland/Akron/Canton megalopolis. In the urban areas, this is the prevailing theme, wherever you go.

    Drive a couple miles out of town, though, and you’re in TRUMP country. I’ve seen some amazing displays of Trump support on private property around here, and nobody dares mess with them.

    As for Goodyear, see you in bankruptcy court.

  2. Worst tires I ever owned were Goodyear Eagles. I was almost killed having them on a Lincoln Mark I owned.
    Warned someone else that they hydroplane.
    Months later they wrecked in the rain.

  3. Glad to have read this since I was planning to buy a complete set of new Goodyear tires for my Jeep before the winter season arrives.

    I’ll begin looking for different brands now.

  4. BLM – good
    political affiliated slogans – bad


    BLM is a political affiliated slogan.

    If it wasn’t their contributions wouldn’t goto ActBlue.

    They are saying, without saying, no political slogans unless they are BLM.

  5. PRESIDENT Trump just tweeted an hour ago…

    “Don’t buy GOODYEAR TIRES – They announced a BAN ON MAGA HATS. Get better tires for far less! (This is what the Radical Left Democrats do. Two can play the same game, and we have to start playing it now!).”


  6. Back in the mid 60’s when I used to draw pictures of Rat fink style cars I would always name the tires Bad Year or Fire Rock etc. I could draw some mean looking cars back then, it also got me in trouble at school in Jr. high because I spent more time doodling that I did to school.

  7. Truckasaurus™ is tickled with its Kuhmo off-roaders.

    Continentals on the van and cars have bumped Michelins to the curb (on value).

    PS Goodyear be RAYCISS. Embrace other tires for their blackness!

  8. So then the local Police Depts, and larger ones like State Hwy Patrols need to start speaking with their wallets & (tax) dollars. They should stop using Goodyears on their Police Cars, and make a public statement as to WHY they’re not. They need to play the game & make Goodyear hurt.

  9. gin – Great idea!
    As a straight, White male I’m going to let them know I don’t want them either!!
    Their stock is at 9.4 today. Let’s see whut happens when they decide that playing Social Justice Warrior games is more important than minding their business!!

    Jarhead – Another great idea!!


  10. This isn’t just a Goodyear thing. It is every corporation in this country.

    So odds are you are buying something from a company that is terrorizing their employees with the Diversity & Inclusion Thought Police.

    What I’ve been told is far worse than this and that’s from a company much bigger than Goodyear.

    We are told that we must “ally” with minorities to advance their careers over our own. Oh no, but it’s not that simple. They may not want you to ally with them and you might be offending them if you do that too because it’s condescending. You also may need to ally with someone who you don’t even know. If you worked on a project, you should bow out of meetings and allow a minority to replace you so that their diverse voice and skin color can be present in your stead.

    It’s fucking bananas.

    Now, let’s close on our Social Justice Oath where you pledge allegiance to BLM.

  11. @ Jethro AUGUST 19, 2020 AT 11:45 AM

    My dad was a tire distributor, a big one. He used Michelin exclusively on all his vehicles. I never bought a tire until I was well into my 40s and used Cooper mostly. If you were a distributor you could take them out of stock and any of the manufacturers would replace them, you just had to fill out a voucher.

    Michelin are noticeably better than anything else I have had for ride quality and on road traction. The Coopers I used when younger were great, but noisier.

    My favorite tire of all time though was snowgrip retreads he used to sell when I was a teenager. I called them dust caps. They had sawdust in the tread and were the best burnout tire ever. They wouldn’t last five hundred miles on warm dry pavement though and on pavement in the summer heat it was more like 50 miles.

  12. “The company clarified that the photo of the slide was not created or distributed by Goodyear corporate, and was not part of a diversity training class.”

    Hand me the phone, I’m calling Bullshit!
    We all know too well what Zero Tolerance is all about!

  13. Just sent:

    I just became aware of your intolerant edict regarding articles of clothing and opinions that your employees are forbidden to wear/express. See link:

    Your official statement on this controversy

    (“Goodyear is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace where all of our associates can do their best in a spirit of teamwork. As part of this commitment, we do allow our associates to express their support on racial injustice and other equity issues but ask that they refrain from workplace expressions, verbal or otherwise, in support of political campaigning for any candidate or political party as well as other similar forms of advocacy that fall outside the scope of equity issues.”)

    is full of weasel words and falls far short of addressing the issue.

    I’ve owned your tires for decades but you’ve lost a customer—and hopefully several more customers by the time I get done. Don’t try to make this right by sucking up to me. Your only recourse here is to OWN this with a public apology and an admission of wrongdoing. Failing that, you know where you can go.

    A former customer,

  14. Our light duty vehicles run cooper. But had been dedicated to goodyear for our heavy trucks and equipment…..I said, had been. Just gave corporate a dear John. Folks, my list is getting long.

  15. …haven’t seen any BLM gear among the mostly Black and rather polyglot workforce, possibly because we have more African AFRICANS than “African” AMERICANS, but shirts with messages like “Black Owned”, “Black Queen” (on apparent women, althogh we DO have trannies too), “Black By Popular Demand”, “I Love My Dark Skin” and more complex ones that name-check dead Civil Rights icons have been common for YEARS, but if there’s any ananologus “White” shirts, I’ve not seen them…

    …oh, and Obama shirts. Lots and lots of Obama shirts. I REALLY don’t see where Black folks are coming ’round to taking Barry off his pedestal yet, but I’ve certainly never seen a TRUMP or MAGA shirt but I don’t have a way to test it since I’m a uniformed employee and can’t wear civvies anyway, and I wouldn’t ask any of our (very few) White line workers to try it as they may get fired, beat, or both…

    …funny, too, ’cause we’re losing the older Black employees to retirement. Used to have some older Black guys that would take it upon themselves to tell the new guys to pull their pants up and have some dignity, but mostly they’re gone now (including my friend that I helped and prayed through a heart attack when he came to work and got a blockage that damn near killed him on the way in, I REALLY don’t blame HIM for leaving), but the Company STILL needs those pants up for regulatory reasons (it’s a food plant), so they went the Big City Police Chief route and basically hire Black superviors for the specific reason of being able to tell them to pull their pants up, since the WHITE ones wouldn’t DARE.

    …on balance, though, I’d say I see more FC (soccer) jerseys than racial/political stuff, again most of my workforce comes from countries where political opinions can get you killed and eaten, so they mostly dress in fashions that look like castoff obsolete American clothing from St. Vincent De Paul bins, except for the Muzzie women who wear surprisingly colorful (AFRICAN Muslims) but billowy, full-length dresses along with hijabs and sometimes niqabs, which must be murderous in the summer heat of our EXTREMELY unairconditioned plant, especially with the masks on, but they must be used to it ’cause we’ve never had to carry one out for heat problems yet.

    If I see a DUDE in full African fig, like a tobe wrap over jeans or a violently ugly dashiki, I KNOW that’s an American because the Africans don’t dress like that. To them, it would be as weird as ME showing up to work in kilt and sporran or lederhosen, it’s just now what they do NOW.

    Mostly, the Africans roll their eyes at the American Blacks, consider them lazy, and don’t like them better than the Whites anyway because they’re not Muslim.

    So while I’m fairly confident that my Govenment contacting employer wouldn’t say anything about a BLM shirt, I also don’t expect to see more than a few, of any.

    Because the American Blacks here WORK for a living.

    And the AFRICAN Blacks don’t give a shit about it one way or another.

    …but DAYUM, you should see the Flags Of All Nations” display my foreign-owned company has hung in EVERY BUILDING to celebrate diversity, or something, THEY might not be that down for it but that WHITE woman who RUN the joint sure is…

  16. …I used to install Goodyear tires at Sears towards the end of my time there when they got into a “National Brands” fetish (after destroying their OWN once-revered brands like DieHard and Craftsman with cheapass outsourcing), when it was part of a front-end or brake service and the tire busters were busy (or catching a smoke). I usually tried to talk them OUT of the Goodyears because they were crappy tires that frequently slipped belts and had conicity problems, but in my Sears uniform, I wasn’t able to make the BEST argument against them.

    Which was,
    …you KNOW they’re crappy.

    Because SEARS sells them.

    …about the only GOOD tires they offered at that time were Michelins, because even when Sears was BIG, Michelin would NOT cheapen their product for them, but customers demanded them so Sears sold them, at a VERY high price to keep their margins.

    …and no, I did NOT get commissions. I barely got PAID.

    It’s why I LEFT.

    …anyway, I could write a book about why Sears is what it is now, I go so far back I have a service pin with the then-“Sears Tower” in Chitcongo on it, but it’s not relevant to this discussion so a different subject for another day..

  17. Is there not a Wikileaks for corporate documents to expose this bullshit? I’ve got all my emails and Unconscious Bias training slides.

    I’m in an At Will employment state so I would be fired post haste for subjecting this institutionalized, truly systemic racism to mockery and ridicule.

  18. “Goodyear is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace where all of our associates can do their best in a spirit of teamwork. As part of this commitment, we do allow our associates to express their support on racial injustice and other equity issues but ask that they refrain from workplace expressions, verbal or otherwise, in support of political campaigning for any candidate or political party as well as other similar forms of advocacy that fall outside the scope of equity issues.”

    …let’s see what’s between the lines…

    “Goodyear is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace where all of our associates can do their best in a spirit of teamwork.”
    …as long as the “team” is all pulling leftwards, and only “inlcusive” of what WE want to “include”…

    “As part of this commitment, we do allow our associates to express their support on racial injustice and other equity issues”
    …provided that “Racial Injustice” is NOT towards WHITE people, screw THOSE guys, you can be as racist as you wanna be to THEM, unless they’re gay or something, in which case you CAN’T harass them, but ONLY about their PERVERSION, feel free to attack their hated White skin…

    “but ask that they refrain from workplace expressions, verbal or otherwise, in support of political campaigning for any candidate or political party as well as other similar forms of advocacy that fall outside the scope of equity issues.”
    …while we COMPLETEY ignore the fact that the “equity issues” THEMSELVES are debatable and political, and are NOT part of the Peace of God that passeth all understanding and are NOT “Settled Science”…and ALSO, on the subject of “Peace of God”, provided those “Equity Issues” are NOT about unequal treatment of CHRISTIANS or any OTHER group that is NOT currently recognized as a “Protected” class in our theoretically classless society…

    …and while we ignore that BLM donations go DIRECTLY to the DNC and therefore ARE campaiging for a political party, but let’s not split hairs here, let’s just say we will degrade our White employees whenever and however we can because it amuses us, THEY can’t do anything about it, and the vast majority of sheep by EvERYTHING up to and including POLITICIANS based SOLEY on brand recognition, so we’re pretty safe from any boycotts or anything, Target and Nike are doing JUST FINE, and so will WE…

    To be perfectly honest, I don’t think ANY of this crap belongs in the workplace. I was raised to believe I was representing my employer in their business venture, whatever that might be, and therefore of my own volition did not wear anything that referenced ANYTHING other than the job I was doing. Yes, it helped that I wore some kind of uniform everywhere I went in basically my entire working life, but I wouldn’t wear hats or pins or anything that didn’t referenence my employer at the time, EITHER, whatever my PERSONAL opinion may have been of them.

    To me, the job’s the thing. You’re paid to do a JOB, not advertise a position, so do that JOB and DON’T advertise a position. Were I running Goodyear, that would not change, I would ban ANYTHING with letters on it that did NOT spell “GOODYEAR”, regardless of the postion, and that discussion would be right up front in the INTERVIEW and in written policy, if you didn’t have a non-stupid T-shirt, you couldn’t work for ME.

    To illustrate further, when I worked for Sears they took the concept of getting their name ONLY out there VERY seriouisly for a time, even to the extent that we had to cover up the logos on ANY toolbox in the auto shop that DIDN’T say “CRAFTSMAN” on it, so I know it CAN be done, they just have to WANT to. (FWIW, I used “Snap-On” becuase I liked tools that actually, you know, WORKED, but that’s neither here nor there…) This was BEFORE they went to hell in a cheap Chinese handbasket, so they were actually huge AND profitable at the time, not the squashed online thing the kids know TODAY, and that loss of idenity may well have STARTED them to perdition, but I digress yet again…

    …so to ME, unless “BLM” is a subsidiary, OR a parent company, of “Goodyear”, their name doesn’t belong ANYWHERE on their grounds, simply because it’s not their name.

    …Just wondering about something else, though, as long as Goodyear’s busy being symbolic and all.

    Since Goodyear has a blimp, a blimp is rather phallic, and they seem to be kneeling to worship the allegedly outsided Black pecker, will they be changing the blimp to REFLECT that?

    …’casuse there wouldn’t be enough HELIUM to fill that condom, so they’d have to switch to hydrogen, and the Hindenberging of THAT into a nice, wide-open, empty bowl-shaped stadium would DWARF the ORIGINAL flaming Facist gas bag, although be even MORE symbolic of the ultimate ends of Communisim, if that’s possible…

  19. …also, I notice that there’s 3 Goodyear Auto Centers in Louisville.

    …can THOSE guys wear “Not Fucking Around Coalition” T-Shirts?

    …cause it’s basically the same thing…


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