Google approves app to report incidents of Islamic blasphemy and homosexuality – IOTW Report

Google approves app to report incidents of Islamic blasphemy and homosexuality

Is this not something that “creates an unsafe environment” for people?

The hypocrisy is astounding.


Indonesia, where this app is now available, is one of the more permissive Muslim-majority countries when it comes to homosexuality. The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association reports:

Same-sex relations are not prohibited according to the national Penal Code. The only provision to deal with such relations is article 292 which prohibits sexual acts between persons of the same sex, if committed with a person under the legal age.38 However, in 2002 the national parliament gave the Aceh province the right to adopt Islamic Sharia laws. Such laws do apply to Muslims only. Moreover, for example the city of Palembang in South Sumatra has introduced jail time and hefty fines for same-sex relations.39

So, if and when the Indonesian police receive reports of homosexual activity via this app, it’s only in a few areas of the country that people have anything to worry about.

It never ceases to amaze me that most American gay rights crusaders are so indifferent to the actual persecution of homosexuals in Muslim countries. The same report quoted about Indonesia list many counties in which the death penalty applies.


15 Comments on Google approves app to report incidents of Islamic blasphemy and homosexuality

  1. “Hello, Shari’a police? I’d like to report a “Homosexual Friendly” workplace. It’s 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, San Jose, CA. They call themselves “Google”, and they countenance all KINDS of behavior prohibited by the Prophet. Please come quickly before they corrupt any more of tbe Ummah, thanks.”

  2. The mutual affinity does not make sense unless you recognize that the tie that binds the left to radical islam is a mutual hatred for western civilization, and America in particular, and a desire to destroy the existing dominant social order in order to clear the field for them to remake the world.

  3. “It never ceases to amaze me that most American gay rights crusaders are so indifferent to the actual persecution of homosexuals in Muslim countries.”

    I call this “The Jews for Hitler” mentality. Their PC trumps self-preservation.

  4. “I call this “The Jews for Hitler” mentality. Their PC trumps self-preservation.”

    Pity is the best I can muster for such losers, sympathy is completely out of the question.

  5. If this APP does what it says it does, How does the internet NOT get “broken” about 2 minutes after the APP goes live – ’cause you know it’s happening ALL THE TIME!

  6. Google needs to be broken up into individual, separate companies with no one company owning any part of another. It is a monopoly pure and simple.

    With this new app somebody (probably a lot of somebodies) are going to get killed when the database containing the records of those reported on is “hacked” and the names released. Then the militant muslims will go to work killing for their god pretty well without fear of reprisal.

    Start demanding answers from your congressmen, senators and other elected officials just why Google (and Facebook, Amazon, MicroSoft and the others) are allowed to operate as monopolies with impunity.


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