Google Asked To “BLACKLIST” These Search Results – IOTW Report

Google Asked To “BLACKLIST” These Search Results

Leftwing Google will always throttle search queries to skew results toward fellow travelers and their agenda. But to deliberately corral people earnestly on a quest for pregnancy information in an unintended direction is pretty scummy.

American Pigeon reports that Twenty-one Democrats signed a letter to Google asking search results for pregnancy centers be throttled back or removed altogether.

They wanted pregnancy “healthcare” queries to direct women to only abortion clinics.

Whatever side of the abortion issue one takes, calling abortion “healthcare,” like pregnancy is a disease only an abortion can “cure,” is a bit strange.

I would think a woman seeking an abortion would search “abortion” on Google, not “pregnancy healthcare.”


25 Comments on Google Asked To “BLACKLIST” These Search Results

  1. …They call it “Abortion Care” now.

    That’s rich.


    Oxymoron of the year.

    But par for the course, for Demospeak…

    “War is Peace

    Freedom is Slavery

    Ignorance is Strength”

    — George Orwell, 1984

    …and “Abortion” is “Care”.


    …they mislabel to fool the people.

    But God is not mocked.

    “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
    Isaiah 5:20

    …quite a pile of dead baby bodies they’ll be standing on at the Judgement Throne.

    And the quicker they get there, the better this world will be.

  2. Leave it to the dims to try and control the narrative. They have to be the most vindictive, morally bankrupt power mad group of people in the world.

  3. “I would think a woman seeking an abortion would search “abortion” on Google, not “pregnancy healthcare.”

    I would think that a woman seeking birth control to prevent abortion would seek out ways to prevent a pregnancy, not how yto get rid of one. Well, those women don’t think like me, so I think they should suffer at least the birth pains. But, we’re not dealing with mentally fit people. Any woman who has an abortion should abort her reproductive organs as well.

  4. Leftists love to say, “Don’t want an abortion? Don’t get one.”
    How about, “Don’t want to be pregnant? Use birth control or keep your legs at 6 o’clock”.

  5. Satan is the Father of All Lies.
    Dissimulation is a form of lying.
    Confuse the easily confused with weasel-words, half-facts, innuendo, and prevarication.
    A woman’s “right” to “choose.” This is a lie hidden in a spurious claim for a “right.” Does a woman have the “right” to kill her children? THAT is the question. Then why stop at birth? If a woman has a “right” to kill her children it is unalienable – she has that “right” until her death. A ludicrous thought? No, a ludicrous assertion.
    A woman’s “right” to “choose” is an obscuration – the whole purpose is to HIDE the fact of murder – to suggest to morons and mental defectives that a woman has a right to a “choice” without stating flatly that the “choice” is the cessation of a living human being’s existence – a murder, in fact.

    We’ve darkened a once-bright civilization with lies, half-truths, and deceits.
    And Big Tech is leading the way into that darkness.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. One world governance is only possible with the aid of Big Tech. It’s very hard to distinguish which institution is really in charge of the world’s societies at this point. At present it only appears we are governed by individual governments, but who urges and drives those governments to adopt policies and practices in the name of expediency and progress? Big Tech, that’s who. Andrew Breitbart made popular the phrase, “Politics is downstream from culture.” Big Tech — and most assuredly Google leads that definition — narrate all the important stories of all cultures the world over. Nearly all.

    In Matt Walsh’s documentary “What Is A Woman?” he asks a group of technologically isolated Massai men to define what is a man and a woman. He asks if sometimes a man can be woman, a woman a man, and so on. Walsh is met with confused looks, as though, perhaps, there has been a problem with the interpreter. When the questions are asked again, they laugh at such concepts. Some look disgusted and others register incredulity; waving these ideas away as “crazy.” Are the Massai men “homophobic, “transphobic” or guilty of harboring the other inherently evil and twisted views of the patriarchy? Not at all. It’s just that they haven’t been knocked about, night and day, by the sounds of little chirps, bells and buzzes lighting up their smart phones with the latest Tweet and FB/IG message informing them of what to think.

    What is the first thing a Millenial does these days in a conversation? The moment you argue an opposing view of anything, they’re off! They perform Google searches in the midst of your conversation; looking up “facts” to shut down your contrary viewpoint. They see Google as an extension — a brilliant and convenient use of Big Tech — as a replacement for their own understanding of the world. They seek Google as not merely a means of replacing memory, as an older generation would use telephone technology to remember all those phone numbers we used to keep in our heads. They view search engines as a complete bypass to learning and remembering anything. In this way they truly are “bots” of Big Tech’s shaping the culture of which politics is downstream. This is how the hivemind is formed.

  7. …and I would add that this goes hand-in-hand with erasing everything that existed before in history and literature. There can be no remembering, no traces of the canon of Western thought left behind. The “dead white men” of yore must be replaced by the first 20 hits on a Google search.

  8. Do you remember what Dr. Epstein said about Google’s algorithms and their subconscious manipulation of voters’ thinking about elections? It was his testimony to a congressional oversight committee in 2019.

  9. What’s the big deal about abortion?
    If leftards want to kill their pending offspring, which they would otherwise indoctrinate to prefer their world view, why should we stop them???

  10. I sure wish I could say that this is just a product of its times. That this is just because the younger generation is stupid. That the younger generation was indoctrinated in a way mine wasn’t. That this would have NEVER happened in MY day, we were smahter, more honorable, more moral then and wouldn’t have EVER fallen for it.

    I wish I could…but I can’t.

    …see, I was young once too, quite full of myself, and a stranger to the Lord. Mom had dutifully dragged me to church for years and Dad was some kind of poobah in the Knights of Columbus, but none of this weighed on me in any way because I knew better and all that preachy talk was just boring stuff old people liked to sleep to. If I thought about morality at all, I was pretty sure I could be a “good person” without any kind of Spirit to advise me, thank you very much, but mostly I just didn’t worry about it.

    And I was scarcely alone in this. My generation wasn’t particuarly rooted in religion, in God, in none of it. We didn’t have the Internet, but we sure as hell had TVs and REALLY LOUD stereos, and THOSE guys did all right without God, why couldn’t WE?

    Stevie Nicks singing a beautiful song to her literal abortion and Ozzy Ozzborne covering suicide as an alternative “lifestyle” both alone and with Lita Ford was something of the cultural zeitgeist of the times, but with a good solid push into hedonism by the sex, drugs, and disco that soundtracked the world of my youth.

    No, we weren’t getting too many good messages from mass media even then. It was so bad that Pat Boone did heavy metal covers to try to stay relevant (total truth. Look it up).

    …coming forward for a moment, in the thread about the death of Roe V. Wade (which, along with birth control, was also a cultural relic of my youth), I remembered a great lady and tireless pro-life warrior who used to comment here who’s handle was Plain Jane for her work in this area. But that’s not my WHOLE story with PJ or its relevance to this thread. See, in some other comment about some other abortion years ago, some of my comments were a bit…demonstrative to one who had the Spirit Gift of discernment as Plain Jane did, and she got me to PM her about it out of the goodness of her heart. My soul was burdened for specific wrongs I did in my youth.

    Because there was a time I facilitated abortions as a matter of course.

    …No, I did not actively do so, not in an abortion clinicy way or as a mouth-foaming liberal stridently demanding women kill their babies, but probably even worse because I did make it very possible and even seem a reasonable option from a position as a trusted person to women who were vulnerable in moments of crisis. I even took these women to places where they could have their child destroyed. And even gave them contact information to people who would likewise encourage them along this path.

    And this, after I found the Lord, became a burden on my heart.

    …and this is where I can empathize with the kids who don’t know better today. I didn’t know better THEN. I wasn’t acting out of spite or evil or any desire to serve satan or because I was particuarly enamored of, or even thought much about, abortion. It was just part of a EMS job, something I had been trained to do by a City government, and something that the schools I had passed through on the way seemed pretty positive about (again, I grew up when Roe V. Wade was still kinda new, and a hot topic in “health” classes in high schools and in the smoking areas thereof, particuarly when my classmates had little ‘accidents’). It was a pretty basic instruction, bland even. “Do not take any suspected sexual abuse patients to any Catholic hospitals, take them to “General” so they can get an abortifacient”, which at the time was ONLY available at certain hospitals. We also had crisis cards we gave women who had massive boyfreind problems that had various “Woman’s Center” numbers on them, which again meant nothing to me at the time as I wasn’t a woman, but I later found out about their advocacy of things like abortion, radical feminism, and lesbianism, which a vulnerable women in crisis doesn’t really need when she’s trying to recover from her ‘boyfriend’ making a sincere effort to stomp her baby to death in her womb.

    I wasn’t stupid, I was raised Catholic, so I knew darn well what the Church said God said about it, but I didn’t care. It was the job, take the lady to where she can have the problem removed and not get any lectures about the morality of it and get hooked up with folks who aren’t going to make her feel bad by saying anything about God, great, that was easy, when’s lunch? Didn’t really internalize it any more than that, I wasn’t listening to the Spirit at the time so what the hell was any baby-killing I didn’t see to ME? Just a glob of cells, and an unwanted one at that, so flush it and be done, she’s got bigger things to worry about, and so did I.

    But my being a callous bastard didn’t stop THERE. No sir!

    …when I was dating (the woman who was later to be my wife, so it’s not like she doesn’t know about it, thank you very much), there was an indiscretion of youth and a pregnancy scare. We talked earnestly and heatedly about it as only young people can, and she being the good woman she was, she was OK with carrying my baby to term and having my child, if child she had. I being a complete, self-centered bastard at the time who didn’t want my good times “punished by a baby”, put on my best considering face and said, “We’re not ready to have a baby. Kill it”. I think in pretty much those words, too. Nice guy, huh? Happily for HER soul she didn’t have to make that awesome decision because her period happend the next day so it was crisis resolved except for now she knew I would willingly kill my prodgeny for convenience if necessary.

    I’m still, decades later, not sure why she married me.

    …the point of all of this is that I can’t speak from any moral high ground. My generation generally and me specifically were no better than “these kids today” when it came to that. If anything, we were WORSE because we didn’t have the excuse of Interwebs distractions and decades of media shitting on God to have made us immoral in this way, and yet we found the immorality nonetheless. So when addressing this with the kids, and with full realization of the way Big Tech has further debased the conversation in this and many other ways, we need to approach the kids with understanding and empathy, trying to remember our OWN youth and the crises therein, and NOT with “GOD WILL GET YOU FOR THAT!” kind of approach or “IN MY DAY, WE WOULD NEVER…” opeining line because that’s NOT going to draw them to the Lord, or with anything but “You have a situation, and I’d like to help you avoid the mistakes I made and do what’s best for everyone concerned and not do anything you both might regret later. Your child is a blessing from God, and the people of God can help you through it, or you can let your child bless others through adoption if you are not yet ready. Let’s discuss this…”.

    Something like that. I know Burr doesn’t like it when I say this, but everything IS situational as to how you approach it even if there’s no moral amiguity, such as your relationship to the person you’re talkng to, how much they respect God’s Word or not, how much time you have, what your role is in contacting the person, what gave rise to the situation (A broken condom in a consensual boyfriend coupling is VERY different from a father raping his daughter), and so forth. Prayer and the Spirit are your best guides in this case, as there is no possiblity of a human guide for the many and varied pickles people can get into.

    Understand what AA says is very true. You WILL be refuted by Soience! found on Google in a two-minute phone search. The kids can be pretty arrogant about it, too.

    As was I in my youth. And…don’t lie…as you probably were in YOURS.

    …our argument is that with age comes wisdom. But wisdom comes to the Lord. We need the Lord’s help to overcome the tools of satan and the knowledge of how the Lord showed us the folly our OUR youth to be of any use in leading the kids away from the siren song of the handheld Book of the Dead. Tech is strong and seductive, but the Lord is mightier.

    So its on us, on behalf of the children misled by a digital devil, to ask that HE help us lead them from that land of pits.

    I have no idea how man survives this. I have no insight on how we don’t destroy ourselves as a species, maybe along with all life on Earth, by the end of the decade at latest. I don’t have the answers to ANY of this.

    But God does. He’s the ONLY answer.

    We just have to make the kids understand that.

    But it would help if we fully trusted in him ourselves.

  11. Clump of cell infested feminists. Asking Google for advice. So, clearly, of above average intelligence.

    And I should regret their lack of genetic input. To “future” generations.

    According to smart people. (They are. They say so.)

    Really? Really!?

  12. Beachmom said:
    “Leftists love to say, “Don’t want an abortion? Don’t get one.”
    How about, “Don’t want to be pregnant? Use birth control or keep your legs at 6 o’clock”.
    May I add
    Don’t want a gun? Don’t buy one.

  13. (sigh…)
    I miss the days of Alta Vista (search engine prior to GagMe)

  14. search.brave dotcom is still in beta but gives pretty decent hits and supposedly private. Forget duckduckgo which accepted bribe money and threw in with the left.

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