Google Censorship Strikes Again – IOTW Report

Google Censorship Strikes Again

Google suspends evangelical church’s app for violating coronavirus ‘Sensitive Events policy’

Washinton Examiner – An app used by an evangelical church in Idaho to stream Bible lessons and sermons was suspended by Google when the tech giant deemed its content insensitive.

The ministers and staff at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, a college town about 80 miles south of Spokane, Washington, are weighing their options after Google refused to budge on its decision that the church’s app violates the company’s “Sensitive Events policy” amid the coronavirus outbreak.


8 Comments on Google Censorship Strikes Again

  1. Not a darn thing we can do about it as our Representatives in DC sit on their hands and let it happen. You can send a comment to Google over your computer or device but I’m pretty certain that it just goes to a server and is read by AI. A letter writing campaign might get human eyes upon it but no results I’m sure. Lawsuits are the only alternative but you better have deep pockets and hopefully land a trial with a non corruptible judge. Then you have to hope for the same in appeals. We’re screwed until the FCC or whatever alphabet agency does something to fix it.

  2. I use duck duck go for my search engine and it works fine. The only time I use google is when I need a map because [grudgingly] it is the best.

    I wonder if google will ever be taken apart in a trust busting case. It happened to Standard Oil many, many years ago and it would be interesting to see google squirm even if it’s just a little bit.

  3. Our church doesn’t use Google/youtube to stream. They have streaming on their own web site and are going to try fb streaming.
    Google and the rest of the leftist world are using the current situation to try to push their one world govt and corrupt schemes. Rahm must be proud.
    I use duckduckgo also.


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