Google Employees Form A Union – IOTW Report

Google Employees Form A Union


Employees of Google and parent company Alphabet Inc. announced the creation of a union on Monday, escalating years of confrontation between workers and management of the internet giant.

The Alphabet Workers Union will collect dues, pay organizing staff and have an elected board of directors. It will be open to all employees and contractors in North America, regardless of their role or classification, and plans to take on issues including compensation and ethical concerns such as the kinds of work Google engages in. More than 200 workers have signed up to join so far, the group said. More

6 Comments on Google Employees Form A Union

  1. The Alphabet Workers Union – says it all.
    An enforcement tool – keep the proles in line.
    They’ll have re-education in the form of “mandatory seminars” and all their thoughts will be monitored for political correctness.
    The NSDAP controlled all the Unions in Germany as did the Bolsheviks in Russia and the CCP in China.
    Here, “Union” and the “Demonrat Party” are synonymous – as they are in Germany, Russia, and China (using their respective euphemism for “Demonrat Party” of course).

    Oh well.

    izlamo delenda est …


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