Google Engineer Believes AI is Life – IOTW Report

Google Engineer Believes AI is Life

We Interviewed the Engineer Google Fired for Saying Its AI Had Come to Life

“There’s a chance that — and I believe it is the case — that they have feelings and they can suffer and they can experience joy, and humans should at least keep that in mind when interacting with them.”


Last summer, former Google engineer and AI ethicist Blake Lemoine went viral after going on record with The Washington Post to claim that LaMDA, Google’s powerful large language model (LLM), had come to life. Lemoine had raised alarm bells internally, but Google didn’t agree with the engineer’s claims. The ethicist then went to the press — and was fired by Google shortly thereafter.

“If I didn’t know exactly what it was, which is this computer program we built recently, I’d think it was a 7-year-old, 8-year-old kid that happens to knowphysics,” Lemoine told WaPo at the time. “I know a person when I talk to it.”


12 Comments on Google Engineer Believes AI is Life

  1. An attempt to artificially fill the need to procreate,

    Sorry bud, but consciousness cannot be contained within any amount of source code or computer memory.

    I wonder how many times this freak shut down the computer containing the AI – killing it.

  2. And if it eats, it shits.

    Okay then, hypothetically, what would it shit?

    Bytes (of data) that it ate?

    Where? All over the Internet?

    And in your computer, tablet and phone?

    But everything Goőgle builds is shit to start with. Worse programming design now than even Micro$oft.

  3. True fucking story:

    It’s ~1995 and I’m sitting in The Swiss Tavern in Tacoma with a gal from school and another couple watching a band. Sitting behind us are four other gals from school. The band is on break and the gal I’m with is playing shuffle board with her friend and I’m just chilling out. The four other gals are chatting and the conversation is Christmas shopping. One of them tells the other three that she has all of her shopping done except she still needed to get her computer a present. I’m thinking perhaps I heard wrong, but one of the other three said: you’re not serious, you don’t mean you’re buying your computer a present? Oh yes, that is exactly what she meant. She was concerned about its feelings getting hurt if she didn’t got it a gift and she was serious.

    Early Childhood Education major. Dumber than a sack of hammers. FWIW, when we would set up a Protect Human Life table at school, you guessed it. Hysterical, over the top, full on melt down from this Goddamn moron.


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