Google Is Tweaking Emojis – IOTW Report

Google Is Tweaking Emojis

In order to make the universal message images, emojis, more inclusive and just plain friendlier, the designers at Google are giving some an overhaul.

For example, the old emoji for a salad has had an item removed from the image in order to make it more vegan friendly. They have also redesigned the goat, turtle, what must have once been an emoji for being stressed is completely different now. More

I did a search for the image to best describe people overly obsessed with emojis, but they don’t have one for “ass hat.”

22 Comments on Google Is Tweaking Emojis

  1. There is nothing about a goat that makes me glad it is more approachable. And never in my happy life have I ever given a happy rat’s ass how happy even one turtle has been. But I’m glad they scratched the salad egg. Hard boiled eggs are yucky.

    Uh…what’s an emoji?

  2. Can’t go anywhere and put a colon, dash, and parenthesis together without some script taking over to turn it into an image.
    colon[:]dash[-]parenthesis[)] — Watch me do it:



  3. @ecp:

    Can’t go anywhere and put a colon, dash, and parenthesis together without some script taking over to turn it into an image.

    You can sneak some past the scripts if you do ’em backwards (eyes on the right):


  4. ABOUT TIME THIS WAS LOOKED INTO. My gawd, I’ve lost COUNTLESS hours of sleep not to mention the tentative hold on sanity I’ve managed to maintain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Hey @Uncle Al – do you or anyone else have any idea where I can find copies of all the cool emojis that everyone seems to be using on IOTWR these days? I used to have a whole bunch that worked here but now all I can get to display are 🙂 😉 and 🙁 .

    Bummer. 🙁

  6. They had to change the goat because the jihadis felt the old, mean version was insulting to their “girlfriends”.

    The face was actually modeled after Nancy Pelosi and they changed it to reflect the fact that she’s gone from insanely angry and mean to just plain f’ing crazy.


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