Google Working Hard at Propping Up Democrats – IOTW Report

Google Working Hard at Propping Up Democrats


Anti-Democracy Google is manipulating search results to bury Senate Republican candidates’ campaign websites before the 2022 midterm elections. This comes on the heels of a North Carolina State University study that found that Google’s Gmail marked 59.3 percent more emails from “right”-leaning candidates as spam compared to “left”-leaning candidates. More

4 Comments on Google Working Hard at Propping Up Democrats

  1. Not just Google. Right os que, Facebook has jailed me again. This time for posting a well circulated photo of Hunter Biden in his jock. Apparently, it is too “sensitive” for adult eyes. BULLSHIT. There is a midterm coming and we can’t allow anyone to see the president’s son for the jack ass that he is.

  2. Adolph Pedo McPuddinhead and his merry band of retarded children have fucked this nation so badly no amount of Google bandaids are gonna help stauch the bloodletting on 8 November.

    Sure they will cheat like motherfuckers, it’s what they do. It will not prevent the Big Red Wave from drowning them. Currently Demonrats in deep blue states are running scared.

    Any shenanigans the Demonrats pull will leave them open to scrutiny from the incoming congress which will have a large number of fire breathing Trump dragons to light a fire under Mitch the globalist bitch, and McCrappy.

    Twitter is being purged, CNN is being purged, Truth Social and Rumble are growing , Ye may buy Parlor. A whole slew of antidote to the Satanic narrative poison is coming. I’m now getting a strong sense that the backlash which includes an ever increasing percentage of minorities is going to be so significant that the Demonrats may lose power for at least a decade.

    Things are going to get so desperate for the party of Lucifer that his Grand Highpreistess Hillezbub will rise up and shove the Whore of Babble On to the side in 2024.

    Our turn to pound the Demonrats into bloody pudding is coming. You can sense it.


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