Goop for Dupes – IOTW Report

Goop for Dupes

Saturday, Gwyneth Paltrow put her celebrity stamp on what can only be called a traveling patent medicine show, giving it a gloss of new age baloney to lend legitimacy. For between $500-$1,500, patrons of the “In Goop Health” summit in L.A. were treated to seminars on “Cosmic Flow” for “healing modalities,” gut health advice” and the “10 Minute Facelift” where the “doctor” cut holes in a volunteers face then stitched a needle from “left cheekbone to lower jaw.”


18 Comments on Goop for Dupes

  1. I watched some of the goop twaddle on Jimmy Kimmel….she doesn’t even know what she’s endorsing….plus, if she gets any more wrinkly, I’m gonna date my grapevine….

  2. In the 70s I bought horse tranquilizers from a guy named Billy in a town park. I hold more respect of judgement from him than this strange horseface that sells oddities to millionaires.

  3. “…hooking themselves up to IVs and oxygen tubes in a parking lot, experiences otherwise associated with the glamour of getting triaged at a disaster site.”

    …or Hillary at a campaign rally.

  4. What, no steamed clams?

    People like this crack me up. They don’t realize just because it’s the first time THEY’VE see some of this rehashed crap doesn’t necessarily mean it hasn’t been around for a while.

  5. It’s all good fun until somebody dies.
    Then some spoilsport says “practicing Experimental Medicine without a license”

    Then Gloria Allred and her daughter appear.

  6. Gwen, do me a favor, stop selling new age bullsh-t products that you yourself most likely do not use, and play pepper potts one last time so that I can get closure for my favorite marvel relationship. Thanks. :b

    (Aka, do something useful and productive please.)

  7. I don’t care what you say, Michelle (Michael) Obama and Gwyneth (Glenn) Paltrow are men.
    If you think they look good, iI’ll be selling IV’s of male hormones in the parking lot.

  8. She doesn’t need the money so it could only be one of two things driving this. The first is that she is truly that stupid and actually believes all this crap or she’s kind of a psycho who gets her rushes from running a con and swindling rich people out of their cash.

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