GOP Ad Maker Responds to Ocasio-Cortez: ‘I’m Getting Death Threats’ from Your Socialist Supporters – IOTW Report

GOP Ad Maker Responds to Ocasio-Cortez: ‘I’m Getting Death Threats’ from Your Socialist Supporters


“I’m currently getting death threats since the ad aired,” said Elizabeth Heng, founder of the political action committee (PAC) New Faces of the GOP, referring to a political advertisement produced by her PAC depicting Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and referencing the Cambodian genocide that aired during Thursday’s ABC-hosted Democrat debate.

Ocasio-Cortez described the advertisement as “violent,” “racist,” “false,” and a “love letter to the GOP’s white supremacist case.” The other three politicians of “the Squad” echoed Ocasio-Cortez’s comments, with Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) describing the video commercial as a “televised death threat.”

Heng joined Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight for an interview with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Rick Manning.

“If we want to talk about what incites violence, socialism does,” Heng stated. “My parents lived through a socialist regime that murdered millions of innocent civilians, and I’m currently getting death threats since the ad aired. The only people inciting violence are the radical left, who can’t defend their ideas with facts, so they resort to horrible personal attacks, and as we’ve seen, even death threats.”

Heng added, “I put out an ad challenging AOC’s socialist views, and she came back and called me a bunch of names. That should tell you everything you really need to know about the face of socialism, right now, in our country.” read more

13 Comments on GOP Ad Maker Responds to Ocasio-Cortez: ‘I’m Getting Death Threats’ from Your Socialist Supporters

  1. This is how it always works. AOC claims to be the victim of “threats” knowing full well that her flying monkeys will proceed to actually threaten the person AOC claims “threatened” her.

    Same thing happened with Beto when he accused that TX legislator of “death threats.” Now that guy’s family is under police protection due to death threats.

    These idiots know their minions are going to do this. It’s a feature, not a bug.

  2. Just another example of how irreconcilably divided our country is.

    A “fundamental transformation” sort of thing, one brought about from the policies and events of recent years.

  3. I am so sick of these people. The left. The muzzloids. The invaders. The race baiters.

    They all play the same, dog eared, boring old, hey
    Hey ho ho. They’ve been doing it since I was a kid during Vietnam.

    Just go bleep yourselves. Your tiresome game is over.

  4. Regardless of how many Buffoons the democRATs stuff in their Presidential clown car, they ALL have one thing in common: Socialism. So what the 2020 election really comes down to is a choice between Donald Trump or Socialism!
    Freedom or Socialism.
    Make yer choice.
    It’s just that simple!
    This is why Liberals don’t teach it in the schools, lie about it as Politicians and threaten anyone who dares to reveal the truth about it! If the death threats are worrisome now, just imagine what will happen if they are given power later… or just look at Venezuela!


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