GOP Debate Live Blog, December 15, 2015 – IOTW Report

GOP Debate Live Blog, December 15, 2015

I think a round of applause for Aurelius is in order for conducting a great live blog this evening. Thank you, sir. – bfh

And that’s the debate! Good night everyone!

11:06- Trump: Our country doesn’t win anymore. I will make America win again.

11:05- Carson: We need to preserve American exceptionalism.

11:04- Cruz: “America can win again and we will win again.”

11:03- Rubio: We need to remain the strongest nation on earth.

11:03- Bush: “My proven record” shows that I deliver real results.

11:02- Fiorina: “We need to begin by defeating Hillary Clinton” to keep our country safe.

11:01- Christie: We need to focus on Islamic terrorism. I spent years of my life fighting it.

11:00- Kasich: “Our message has to be big and bold and positive.”

10:59- Paul: GOP and Democrats work together in “unholy alliance.”

10:58- Closing statements.

10:55- Carson: I may run as a third party candidate if certain things are done by the RNC.

10:54- Trump: I will not run as a third party candidate.

10:53- Cruz: Everyone on this stage is better than Barack Obama.

10:51- Cruz: Trump is great.

10:50- Trump: Cruz is great.

10:49- Rubio explains the terminology to people at home.

10:48- Trump: “We need someone that we can really trust” with nuclear weapons, and I am that person because I was against going into Iraq.

10:47- Bush: Obama Administration is not “serious.”

10:46- “I completely agree with Chris” -Bush

10:45- Christie: “China needs to be fought back on… Let the Chinese people digest how corrupt their government is.”

10:43- Carson: “North Korea is in severe financial straits… we should capitalize on this and Putin is a one-horse show.”

10:42- Fiorina: “Kim Jong-Un is a dangerous leader, without a doubt.”

10:37- Kasich: Don’t trust the Obama Administration when they say they have a good vetting process.

10:35- Christie: “The first job of the President of the United States is to protect your family.”

10:34- Rubio: even if only 1 of 10,000 people allowed in from Syria is a terrorist, “we’ve got a serious problem.”

10:33- Paul: we should have passed my “Trust but Verify,” and Rubio sided against me.

10:31- Carson: we should support the Kurds.

10:29- Bush: “The real problem is Barack Obama… he’s done nothing.”

10:28- Bush: “We need to secure the border.”

10:27- Fiorina jumping in, talking over Cruz and Rubio.

10:25- Again, Rubio countering with specifics against Cruz. Odd that Cruz hasn’t responded with specifics, again just saying that Rubio isn’t telling the truth. Cruz: “Rubio” an “arsonist.”

10:24- Cruz goes after Rubio again, saying that he’s “muddying the water” on the facts. Goes back to his theme of calling Rubio dishonest.

10:24- Rubio: you need to prove to people that the US has a handle on illegal immigration before allowing them to be citizens.

10:22- Rubio: I still support a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, but we need to secure our borders first.

10:20- Carson: the US was “designed for the citizen-statesman… I don’t do a lot of talking, I do a lot of doing.”

10:19- Kasich: the arguing between Bush and Trump isn’t getting us anywhere.

10:18- Trump to Bush: “I’m at 40 and you’re at 3.”

10:17- Trump: “It’s very sad” that CNN asks about me all the time.

10:16- Bush: “I know what I don’t know,” I won’t just watch TV shows to shape my foreign policy.

10:15- The people in the White House are the reckless ones. -Christie

10:14- Paul: “if you want World War III, you have your candidate (Christie).”

10:13- Christie: I would shoot down a Russian jet if it went over a US no-fly zone. I’m not a “feckless weakling” like Obama.

10:11- Fiorina: “Now’s not the time to talk to [Putin].” “I know him.”

10:10- Kasich: “Assad is an ally of Iran… he has to go… it’s time to punch the Russians in the nose.”

10:09- Paul: it’s a “huge mistake” to topple Assad.

10:08- Trump: “We can’t be fighting everyone at one time.”

10:07- Trump: “Assad is a bad guy. A very bad guy.”

10:07- Cruz talking over questions, moderators. Briefly booed.

10:06- Paul says that we need to examine the concept of “regime change.”

10:05- Bush: Obama destroyed Iraq because he didn’t have a plan to pull out and doesn’t believe that the United States is a force for good.

10:04- Trump: “I’ve been saying take the oil” from ISIS for three years.

10:02- Fiorina: Trump is parroting Obama. She then blames Hillary Clinton for the mess in the Middle East.

10:01- Trump interrupted briefly.

10:00- Kasich: “Assad’s got to go” because it would make a “Shi’a” crescent.

9:59- Cruz: Obama, Clinton, and “Washington Republicans” in bed together on foreign policy.

9:58- Rubio defends his support of toppling Gaddafi, saying he was going to fall one way or another.

9:57- Cruz: “The Obama Administration” has been “encouraged by Republicans” with much of his foreign policy.

9:56- Cruz: “I believe in an America-first foreign policy.”

9:52- The first break of the night. Thoughts on who’s won thus far?

9:51- Carson: we need to destroy ISIS’s ability to get oil, destroy their supply lines.

9:50- Christie: these people talk as if they’re bystanders, when they are in the Senate as we speak. “I agree with Marco, this President is not trusted.”

9:48- Fiorina says “talking tough” is not the same as leading, taking swipe at Rubio.

9:47- Rubio: we would be able to get more help to solve world crises if countries could trust the US. Obama has destroyed trust in US.

9:46- Kasich repeats himself, saying that Muslim countries need to help world crush ISIS.

9:45- Paul says that GOP hawks may have helped the rise of ISIS.

9:44- Trump: “I’m not talking about closing the internet,” I’m talking about the parts that ISIS uses.

9:43- Paul: “Is Donald trump a serious candidate?” He says no.

9:42- Carson: “It is merciful” to absolutely destroy ISIS, even if it includes the death of civilians.

9:41- “With Jeb’s attitude, we will never be great again” -Trump

9:40- Trump says Bush is “weak” on terror and that the US “needs strength.”

9:39- Bush to Trump: “getting a little of your own medicine, huh.”

9:39- Bush says Trump gets his negotiation strategies “from his shows.”

9:38- Trump calls on death of ISIS members and families.

9:36- Rubio: if you join ISIS, you will not be read your Miranda Rights.

9:35- Cruz says Rubio is a liar again, but actually admits doing what Rubio said he did, but for other reasons. Don’t know if that was a slip of the tongue.

9:34- Rubio claims Cruz voted repeatedly to cut military spending.

9:33- Rubio: “ISIS cannot be defeated by air power,” Middle Eastern nations need to go in and help destroy them. US also needs a boost in military spending and a boost in technology. Didn’t answer the question.

9:32- Cruz stumbling with that answer a bit about bombing civilians.

9:31- Cruz: Obama using “photo-op foreign policy,” then calls out Obama political correctness.

9:29- Kasich “we need to be able to penetrate these people” if they’re planning terrorist attacks.

9:28- Trump says we need to shut down parts of the internet “if our enemy is using it.”

9:27- Trump: “ISIS is recruiting through the internet,” we need to figure out a way to prevent “ISIS to do what they’re doing.” “We should be using our most brilliant people” -Trump

9:25- Fiorina: arguing about laws doesn’t solve the problem. “We were using the wrong algorithms” when we tried the Boston Bombers. Government incompetence is “dangerous.”

9:23- “If we want to destroy ISIS… we can’t disassociate with peace-loving Muslims” -Bush

9:22- “We need to get rid of this PC stuff”- Carson

9:21- Carson: “Let me just complain a little bit.”

9:20- Christie: these people have not had to make a consequential decision in their political lives.

9:19- Paul: “I want more rules, more scrutiny.”

9:18- Rubio again comes back with specifics instead of broad generalizations. He looks a bit annoyed.

9:17- Paul says that US is less safe, in part because of positions held by Marco Rubio. “He’s the weakest one on immigration.”

9:16- Cruz calls Rubio a liar. Rubio outlines specifics as to why he believes what he said was true.

9:14- Rubio: voting for the USA Freedom Act was wrong because it allowed sophisticated threats like ISIS to fly under the radar.

9:13- Cruz asked if it was a mistake to vote for USA Freedom Act. Cruz responds that the question is based on a false premise, then says the act expanded the power to find terrorists.

9:12- Kasich asked how to find potential terrorists not on watch lists. He responds by saying there need to be troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria, largely supplied by our “friends in the Middle East.”

9:10- Christie: “the new normal under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton” is fear. “Everywhere in America is a target for terrorists.”

9:08- Fiorina: “we need solutions.”

9:07- Cruz references “horse thieves” to outline how he disagrees with Trump.

9:06- After a question about what he disagrees with Trump on, Cruz responds: “Everyone understands why Donald has said what he said.”

9:05- Rubio says that Americans are afraid because the Obama Administration has failed.

9:04- Bush: banning Muslims “not a serious proposal.”

9:03- Trump to Bush: “Nobody cares” what you have to say.

9:03- Bush: “Trump is a chaos candidate.”

9:02- Bush outlines his ideas about defeating ISIS, then says we need to use Muslims to defeat ISIS.

9:01- Trump: it’s not about isolation, it’s about keeping America safe.

9:00- First question to Trump: “Is the best way to make America great again to isolate it from the rest of the world?”

8:58- Trump outlines his past proposals, then said things have “changed” since the terrorist attacks.

8:57- Ben Carson calls for a moment of silent. “Right now, the United States of America is the patient,” Carson says.

8:56- Ted Cruz: “Radical Islamic terrorism” is what we’re at war with. Barack Obama can’t even say those words.

8:55- Rubio calls Obama election a “disaster,” referencing decline of American influence.

8:54- Bush sounding inelegant from the start, stumbling over his prepared lines.

8:53- Fiorina: “I’m angry,” like you. “It’s time to take our country back.”

8:52- Christie says that the United States has been “betrayed” by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. “What have Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama done to this country?”

8:51- Kasich calls for unity between Democrats and Republicans.

8:50- Kasich looks like he needs to pee. MJA called it.

8:49- Rand Paul attacks Trump from the start, then attacks Rubio. The first punch is throw 4 seconds into the debate.

8:48- The debate is finally, finally starting. Way to milk it CNN.

8:47- Voice crack from Blitzer.

8:44- The streak of Trump being the only one to leave his suit jacket unbuttoned continues. A small nod to him not following the crowd.

8:43- The debate is finally about to start after over a dozen minutes of extra filler.

8:41- A profile of each candidate with kind of weird analysis.

8:39- Hey CNN, you said 8:30. Nobody wants to hear your analysts any more than they need to.

8:37- Candidates now awkwardly standing near each other back stage.

8:35- Unfortunately, we have to listen to more blathering from CNN analysts.

8:34pm- Reince Priebus working the crowd.

Welcome to the IOTW live blog of the Republican debate! I’ll be updating this post as the night goes on. Things I’m watching for:

-The overall tone of what to do about terrorism and specific ideas.

-Will Trump and Cruz trade blows? If so, will Cruz continue to smother Trump with kindness (at least out in the open)?

-Who’s going to pick a fight tonight? It doesn’t need to be Trump and someone else; one of the most interesting moments from previous debates was Christie vs Paul on national security and Bush attacking Rubio.

187 Comments on GOP Debate Live Blog, December 15, 2015

  1. rubio — he needs to change up his granddad’s porch stories. Every time he does that I think of antebellum days down on the bayou, with Rubio in a straw hat and barefoot. There’s always a dirt yard, of course.

  2. NO!! You cannot figure out who is radical and who isn’t until we stop ALL muslim immigration and visas until there is a litmus test. Too bad, but that’s the way it goes. I’m hearing a lot of parsing on this as though those candidates have the inside track on how to know who is radical and who isn’t.

  3. I really, really, really want to know why Kasich, Christie, Fiorina are on the stage. Come on!! Does anyone beside s.e. cupp think fiorina is going to parlay this debate into numbers???!!

  4. The thing to keep in mind here is that at least 8 of these people need to be voted off the goddam island at the conclusion of tonite’s festivities. Rand Paul needs to lead the way out the door.

    And someone needs to tell that liberal douche-nozzle moderator that there are not “thousands” of innocent cheeldren left in the Middle East because terrorists have used them as cover to invade fucking Europe.

  5. Drudge has his poll up. The RNC Straw Poll pops up on his page. The scumbags have Tromp as the very last option on the bottom.of the list. Yeb of course is the first. What fucking scumbag dicks. I am so fucking jappy these children are this petty and desperate. They are FUCKED !!!

  6. You know, despite all the numb nuts on this stage, I can only imagine what a nat’l security and foreign policy debate would sound like on the ‘Rat side. I don’t think they could have a serious discussion or Q&A for more than 20 mins., let along two hours. So, my hat’s off to the serious contenders in the GOP.

    (except bush. I hope you all know I always mean except bush.)

  7. John K wants to be Presidnt of Ohio. Doubt he could even carry Ohio in a presidential race.
    Christie was an attorney fighting in NY after 9/11.
    Carly unify party.
    Jeb my turn – daddy and brother were president.
    Marco people left behind …
    Cruz judgment, strength … Reagan reference.
    Carson zzzz
    Trump change everything not working and we will win again.

  8. Closing statements
    Paul did well, Kasich …boring, Carly …she talks a good game…but… . Bush….sux. Rubio….missed (great cheer)….Cruz…..good. Carson…will make a great Sec of State. Trump…..president

  9. Trump or Cruz take your pick. They make the rest of the field look weak. Paul had some good points, Rubio tries to be to slick, Christie relies on others to prop himself up, Carson just is not ready if ever, Bush is just flat out dumb on stage, the rest need to leave and that includes Bush and Christie.

  10. it’s called croaky voice. It’s annoying like b*tchy resting face — which she also has.

    What I can’t stand about her (besides that she believes islam is the same as any other religion) is her verbal prissiness. She tries to upstage those silly boys by using every middle eastern despot’s full name. I’m very surprised she didn’t come up with a reason to say “Bibi” and I are best friends.

    I thought she shot herself in the foot with the Thatcher comment. She’s still prosecuting the war on women. That’s not a conservative plank.

  11. When Trump patted Cruz on the back after Trump said he was not a maniic, at that moment I saw the next President. And Cruz looked Vice Presidential. They looked like a team.

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