GOP finalizes Obamacare repeal bill after weekend talks – IOTW Report

GOP finalizes Obamacare repeal bill after weekend talks

WaExaminer: House Republicans early this week will release the final text of a bill to repeal Obamacare and partly replace it, a GOP leadership aide said Monday.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee and Ways and Means Committee are expected as early as this week to mark up a measure that would repeal most of the law and replace it with tax credits and health savings accounts, among many other provisions.

According to the GOP aide, committee staff worked over the weekend with the White House “to tie up loose ends,” and add “technical” input from the Trump administration.

“After months and years of work, we are quickly approaching the introduction of a consensus Republican plan to repeal and replace Obamacare,” the aide said.

Despite disagreement from key conservative lawmakers who fear the measure will turn into another version of Obamacare, the bill is moving forward after a Friday meeting at the White House led by Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, which, according to the aide, resolved “the few outstanding issues.”  more

3 Comments on GOP finalizes Obamacare repeal bill after weekend talks

  1. It’s the same damned law for the most part except it defunds Planned Parenthood and repeals a couple tax issues. Other than that, its more “meet the new boss, same as the old boss” bullshit…

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