GOP Lawmaker Suggests Obama Administration Employees Should Face Jail Time for Iran Cash Deal – IOTW Report

GOP Lawmaker Suggests Obama Administration Employees Should Face Jail Time for Iran Cash Deal

DailySignal: A leading Republican critic of the Obama administration’s policy toward Iran is alleging that the U.S. government violated federal law when it delivered $400 million in cash to Tehran on the same day the country freed four American prisoners.

“I want to know what Obama administration employees were involved with this and how long do they serve in prison,” said Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., a member of the House Intelligence Committee. “There is no doubt they violated federal law when they transferred U.S. taxpayer funds to a state sponsor of terrorism.”

Pompeo’s assertion to The Daily Signal goes farther than most Republicans have gone in their criticism of how the administration handled the cash payment, which the government says was not related to the prisoner release, but the result of a settlement with Iran of a decades-old financial dispute over an uncompleted arms deal.  MORE

11 Comments on GOP Lawmaker Suggests Obama Administration Employees Should Face Jail Time for Iran Cash Deal

  1. The deal didn’t happen without the Ok, or the source of the idea being the bum in the WH. If Rep. Mike Pompeo is not going after him then he is just trying to make AGW real by blowing hot air.

  2. ‘Pompeo, however, is asking for more. He told The Daily Signal he plans to send letters to the Treasury and Justice departments in the coming days seeking more information on who in the administration authorized the $400 million payment to Iran, and the government’s justification that the transaction was lawful.’

    What’s he going to do? Ask Comey to refer it to DOJ?

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