GOP Leaders Who Threw Fellow Republican Moore to the Wolves Stay Silent on Dem Franken – IOTW Report

GOP Leaders Who Threw Fellow Republican Moore to the Wolves Stay Silent on Dem Franken

Breitbart: Eminent Republicans like 2012 Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney and National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Corey Gardner lined up to condemn Judge Roy Moore. Very few are doing the same to Democratic Sen. Al Franken.

Judge Moore, never a favorite among national Republicans, nonetheless appeared to have made a quiet truce with establishment leaders after roundly defeating their preferred Senate nominee, Luther Strange, in the September primary. All that came apart with the advent of sexual misconduct allegations against Moore, despite his consistent and emphatic denials and the lack of any conclusive evidence for any of the accusers’ stories.

Franken, by contrast, has, at least publicly, been a consistent political foe of virtually the entire Republican Party. He has, for example, been one of the leading voices passing the “Russia Story” election collusion narrative and has badgered populist Senator-cum-Attorney General Jeff Sessions for months on his accounts of brief meetings with Russian functionaries in an effort to discredit him. Members of the GOP establishment, however, have been much slower to declare Franken persona non grata in the wake a photograph showing him miming an indecent grab of sleeping then-model Leeann Tweedy on a 2006 USO tour of Afghanistan. Tweedy claims that, before the photograph was taken, Franken contrived a scripted kiss in order to force his tongue into her mouth in a rehearsal.

While none of the various accusers’ claims of victimization at Roy Moore’s hands have been proven, Mitt Romney was convinced the time for deliberation had passed. He tweeted Thursday, shortly after the first allegations against Moore broke in the Washington Post, that “innocent until proven guilty” did not apply in this situation, and Moore was “unfit for office.”

16 Comments on GOP Leaders Who Threw Fellow Republican Moore to the Wolves Stay Silent on Dem Franken

  1. Mittens can go to hell. Stupid bitch with his #NeverTrump bullshit, and his lies about Trump’s taxes even after Dirty Harry Reid played that in 2012 on him. Fuck Mittens and the braying jackasses he is running around with. They are all the same. Screw them. I hate every last one of those RINO/CINO sonzabitches. Parasites, all.

  2. Well, Trump successfully exposed the congress and the senate for what they all were; a Uniparty Cabal.

    Now, they are all exposing themselves as the Uniparty Cabal.

    It’s a one-party system folks, and WE ain’t in it the club. We ARE footing the bill however.

  3. The only question I ever had about Mitt: what was the size of the whole? The Grand Canyon may just about cover it!
    There are very few bigger than his are sole/are soul Either is correct or both at the same time.

  4. I’m proud to say I never even considered voting for the “man” who said he was, “proud of Massachusetts’s gun laws. . . they keep us safe.”

    Clinton may have been made of Teflon, but Mittens is pure cellophane, clear enough to see right through.


    “Hey do you have a minute?”
    “You’re Mormons right?”
    “Isn’t Mitt Romney a Mormon?”
    “Yes he is.”
    “And didn’t he back-stab Trump while he was running for office, but Trump supported HIM when Mitt ran for office?”
    “Yeah, exactly. Not a very good representative of Mormonism is he.”
    “Ok, I see what you’re saying, have a nice day.”

    Puh. Never join that religion…

  6. Crickets when it came to Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton. But a guy from Alabama who likes the 10 Commandments gets accused and they go crazy demonizing him. Pretty obvious what’s going on here.

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