GOP Power Rankings or ‘When the Polls Don’t Go Your Way, Make Sh… tuff Up’ – IOTW Report

GOP Power Rankings or ‘When the Polls Don’t Go Your Way, Make Sh… tuff Up’

VA Right: Have you seen the news media touting the GOP Power Rankings? What the hell is that, I thought?


Well, it seems that when the polls don’t go your way and an outsider candidate named Trump is leading in all the polls, what is the Establishment GOP to do? Well, you make sh!t up. And the GOP Power Rankings are a prime example. So despite the fact that only one poll – a CNN poll – taken just after the CNN Debate which was designed to knock Donald Trump down a few pegs shows a huge drop for Trump and a huge gain for Fiorina, these Power Rankings show Fiorina as the #1 Candidate.

And despite the fact that 2 other post CNN debate polls – Zogby and NBC – showed Trump rising after the debates, Fiorina comes out on top. And on a side note here, I see that Real Clear Politics has declined to add these 2 polls into the average polling mix. Is this an oversight? Who knows. But it fits in with the impression the GOP, DNC and Mainstream Media is pushing. Trump is finally in decline.

Only he’s not.

So what are these “Power Rankings” and how do they decide who is on top?  more here

8 Comments on GOP Power Rankings or ‘When the Polls Don’t Go Your Way, Make Sh… tuff Up’

  1. Nobody wants the goddam RINOs. Nobody but their room temperature IQ donors. 2010=nothing. 2012=nothing. You’re done. Toast. I wanna see Boehner & McConnell etc. cry on YouTube when Trump tells them to get the fuck out of DC.

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