GOP preps tough perjury case against Clinton – IOTW Report

GOP preps tough perjury case against Clinton

TheHill: House Republicans are doubling down in their effort to bring perjury charges against Hillary Clinton over her testimony last year to the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

GOP lawmakers have claimed that the Democratic presidential nominee broke the law by lying under oath about her private email setup during her marathon appearance in October.

Next month, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee plan to make the issue a central part of a hearing with senior officials from the FBI, a committee aide said on Thursday.

Legally, the GOP faces a tough case. Politically, however, raising the perjury allegations would be a way to keep the issue of Clinton’s truthfulness in the public eye throughout the fall as she battles Republican nominee Donald Trump for the White House.  MORE

10 Comments on GOP preps tough perjury case against Clinton

  1. I hate to say this, I really do. But I have such a disdain for the house republicans that there is a teeny tiny spot deep inside of me that would love to see Hillary kick their asses. I’m sorry but it’s true.

  2. Useless for protecting the country. Useless for oversight of federal spending. Useless for even seeing through to completion. Totally useless for fact finding – as Wikileaks, Guccifer, the KGB, and those Chinese geeks from the credit roll of The Big Bang Theory, are all going to release far more in far less time.

    Why, oh why, would professional players in The Federal League, currently wearing Republican jerseys, good ol’ boys, all – start a fake slap fight with that icon of Democratic feminism, who just happens to be running for President? It’s not like the players are actually going to accomplish anything, even anything they “promise”, for they’re fans – the fans who “hate” the rival team, because, you know, that’s just what they do. It’s not like the players are smart enough to predict the effect their “beyond the pale, misogynist, right-wing conspiracy” fulfilling behavior will have on Hillary’s loyal, but “busy”, supporters – come election day. And how will this help the Republican candidate running for President?

    It all so confusing.

  3. Don’t waste r time, election year grandstanders. With this neat MSM template, I can give you the results right now:

    “Four Takeaways From Clinton’s Perjury Testimony”

    1. Clinton in control

    2. Few revelations

    3. The biggest fireworks did not involve Clinton

    4. In the GOP attempt to look apolitical, Clinton won

    Now if you can get her to overdose on meds at the hearing…

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