GOP pushes Clinton perjury charges – IOTW Report

GOP pushes Clinton perjury charges

WT: Two top House Republicans say Hillary Clinton appears to have lied to Congress, laying out a case Monday that they said could sustain perjury charges against the Democratic presidential nominee for failing to give an honest accounting of her use of a secret email server while she was secretary of state.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte of Virginia and Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz of Utah said evidence the FBI collected during its investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email practices contradicts what she herself told Congress in testimony last year.

The two chairmen have officially referred the matter to the Justice Department for prosecution — though Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and her top aides have gone to great lengths this year to protect Mrs. Clinton from legal jeopardy, including matters involving her email and questions about the mixing of Clinton Foundation and State Department business.

Mr. Goodlatte and Mr. Chaffetz said FBI Director James B. Comey’s depiction of what he called Mrs. Clinton’s “extremely careless” email practices pokes holes in a number of statements Mrs. Clinton gave to Congress during her 2015 testimony to the House committee investigating the Benghazi terrorist attack.

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15 Comments on GOP pushes Clinton perjury charges

  1. So they spend millions more dollars investigating this bitch, and even if they find her guilty, I can guarantee that she won’t do a goddamn second of time. If they want to impress me, then convict the bitch, take her outside, give her a shovel and make her dig a deep hole, and when its done, put two rounds in the back of her head, dump her in the hole and then fill it in. Oh, then bill the Clinton foundation for the two bullets.

  2. JMV – that’s exactly what the corrupt Industrial Feudalist overlords running Communist China do to citizens who get uppity – they shoot ’em in the back of the head with a 9mm pistol and then charge the family for the cost of the bullet.

    I guarantee that a lot of fascist Leftists in this country would love to have political reeducation camps and summary death-sentence trials in order to put their bootheels on the necks of the American populace. Hell, they’re already publicly declaring on a monthly basis that they want to imprison Global Warming Deniers.

    Fascism, Communism, National Socialism, American-style Progressivism – they are all Socialist and they are all EVIL.

  3. Mansfield:

    In consideration of the rabid anti-gun DemoRATs wanting to drastically up the price of a bullet and Hillary having 238 million dollars stuffed in the mattress her family should be charged 119 million dollars per bullet!

  4. (Note: the following only contains scare quotes, and no double spaces, for the orthographically obsessed.)

    So, the same august body that held a hearing and was so publicly and blatantly lied to by a department head that they were “exercising oversight” of, that even the government propaganda officers were publicly ridiculing their stupidity, that they recalled the same department head to be told “Of course I lied. So what?”, to which the same august body replied “Thank you for your time, and your service.”, now, want to bring charges against a years out ex-department head who has already been given a “Stay Out of Jail, for the Opposite of Free” card by the “law enforcement” apparatchiks that they currently “exercise oversight” of? I’m sure the Republicans would #NeverTrump up an October surprise for “their own” candidate.

  5. Why is the GOPe acting like nothing ever happened between them and the base and by golly they’re going full bore after Hillary!

    And then they’ll vote for her.

    And then they’ll suck her cock.

  6. WTF kind of a surname is “Goodlatte?”

    I’m imagining a novel set in modern-day New York City, about a teacher of handicapped children who looks for love in Starbucks and ends up murdered by a barista–“Looking for Mr. Goodlatte.”

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