GOP rep going to move to impeach Biden ASAP – IOTW Report

GOP rep going to move to impeach Biden ASAP


ht/ woody

32 Comments on GOP rep going to move to impeach Biden ASAP

  1. Since the UNi-Party has all but proven they are lying assholes, why should I trust that this move isn’t “just as planned”?
    I am done with ALL these people. They ALL need to be removed from office, never to be allowed to run again. The ones that have done nothing wrong should be able to see the bigger picture and step aside. We the People should make all of them an offer they can’t refuse. Leave now with your what wealth you have etc.. or stay and We the People will make certain that if you have done something wrong, you will leave with nothing.

    Before you go thinking we’re totally screwed, think about this: These idiots are going to implement an unsustainable agenda and maybe THIS is what will be needed to make “We the People” step the hell up and take notice. They are gonna be like a junkie hitting the lottery. Sooner or later it’s all gonna come crashing down on them and when it does, NO MERCY and NO QUARTER. It’s time to sit back and let them be the victims of their own volition. They’re gonna screw themselves.
    What can we do in the meantime? I have a few ideas:
    1. It’s time to quit fooling around and start getting organized and coordinated.
    2. We should form small teams on sites like this and on others.
    3. Each team should be tasked with following what 1-5 individual elected reps are doing 24/7
    4. At the end of the day, those actions should be posted on numerable sites.
    5. There should be teams that should do nothing but follow every move the lobbyists make.
    6. Let them know we are monitoring them constantly.
    7. Turn up at their events and politely ask them uncomfortable questions.
    8. Flood liberal sites with all info, good and bad, gathered on these individuals. No appearance of bias should ever be tolerated. This is about truth, not defamation.
    9. Fervently enlist others that we trust to join us.
    10. We are now the news. Let’s start acting like it.

    I know this sounds impossible but the fact are there are plenty of people retired/ out of work etc… that even the smallest effort toward something like this could very well be successful.
    As citizens, we have every right to monitor our elected officials. It’s time we took our obligation to the COTUS seriously. A lot of what has happened here is because We the People have become complacent. It’s time to let them know we are watching EVERY DAMNED MOVE.

    !!!!!!! yes…. – bfh

  2. It’s not only gutsy but it’s brilliant! She’s doing this to bring attention to the general public who many of which probably get news from one of the sources that don’t report about his sleazy ties to China. You’d be amazed how many people aren’t aware of this.
    I’d also mention that the impeachment serves a double purpose, to keep Trump from further holding office and also for keeping attention off of the village idiot before he’s officially installed.

  3. @The Claw of Bluegrass

    “They are gonna be like a junkie hitting the lottery. Sooner or later it’s all gonna come crashing down on them”

    The problem with this ,”Give them enough rope and they will hangs themselves” position is that all Americans will be lying under the ruble, dead.

    We don’t need to speculate as to Biden’s intentions, he had made them plain; Our economy, the most durable and vibrant in the world, will be decimated by excessive taxation/regulation and subordinating them to the unions. Iran will become nuclear, threatening the Middle East. China will become dominant, threatening everyone. Whole industries will perish or become obsolete when the Green New Deal is implemented. Sovereign borders will disappear making our nation a way station for any foreigner to cash in on free money/free welfare. Fortunes, small or otherwise will disappear removing all incentives to work hard and prosper because big government will punish you for it. The national debt will grow to the point where paper money and all other non hard assets will be worthless.

    So yes, they can poison the well so that nobody can ever drink from it again.

    They should be fought at all levels of their plan implementation. We can’t just sit back and let them hang themselves.

    All your suggestions were really good, BTW.

  4. The Claw of Bluegrass

    Yea well California Conservatives have had the same ideas and have been saying the same things as what you have written for about 25 years. Ask me how it’s working out. We are playing a rigged game. And they are always 5 steps ahead of us.

  5. Adding to what Brad said, California presents a perfect example and the predictable outcome when radical progressive policies are tried; unemployment and poverty pervasive, tent cities, garbage everywhere, explosive drug use, disdain for the cops, businesses and wealthy people fleeing in droves. And this is what they would like for the rest of the country.

  6. If you want to wound the Communists hard here’s how you do it. Zuck and Dorsey just ignored their fiduciary responsibilities and costs their stock holders a combined 51 billion dollars. Start a campaign to have their respective companies remove their asses as CEO’s. The left uses those two platforms for command and control.

  7. rich taylor

    And the end result is more people dependent on that Government tit so they vote for the asshole that promises them more free shit. It’s self perpetuating and the only way you stop it is confrontation. They’re killing off the Republic quick.

  8. Additionally there was to be a huge MAGA rally at the Capital in Sacramento and the State just yanked their permit do to the fact that the MAGA crowd is so violent. That’s almost verbatim from the news report I just heard. The Socialists are kicking our collective ass.

  9. People talk about the “non partisan” committee in California that draws legislative boundaries. No one has ever explained who appoints the members to this “non partisan” committee. I don’t trust the term myself. Somebody is a party activist then gets appointed or elected to a “non partisan” position and all of a sudden that person is neutral? I don’t believe it.

  10. @Brad etc….
    I know it sounds like an impossible task but my point is to hound them EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Not to fight them. Let them not have a shadow to hide in.
    It will only work if we follow EVERY on of them. While we’re busying ourselves paying attention to the Pelosi, Schumer, McTurdle, Pence and all the others that spoon feed us their nonsensical diatribes via the Presstitutes on a daily basis, what are the “quiet” elected people working on? This is how we have been duped time and again. They go out and enrage the sheep with their nonsense then have their myrmidons do the legwork while we are distracted. Three Card Monty.

  11. The Claw of Bluegrass

    My position is to solve any problem you need first to properly identify that problem. And we have multiple problems. But here’s a major one. 4 or 5 crooked states just disenfranchised the rest of the states and their voters. And the ultimate safe guard of the Republic, SCOTUS, could care less. How do we solve that one? Hounding them won’t do much. And arming up is a dead loser.
    We need to start with tax strike. Which means you need to get your money out of the financial institutions.

  12. Brad,

    “…We need to start with tax strike. Which means you need to get your money out of the financial institutions…”

    Are you saying don’t pay taxes and then take your money out of the financial system in order to protect it?

    Sorry, but your strategy really doesn’t make sense. Please give a better explanation so I can understand it and respond.

  13. @Brad
    I’m all for a TAX REVOLT- If 10% is good enough for the Baby Jesus, it’s good enough for a group of seat-polishing reprobates.
    You’re correct about the states however, my strategy applies to their leadership as well.

    As for identifying the problem, that’s easily done. Look no further than the Presstitutes and Media Pimps that act as their voice. I said from the beginning that everyone is protesting and attacking the wrong places. Your local Network TV affiliates are where we should be doing that. Right at their doors and their homes.

  14. Hate to clue you in, but a grass roots tax revolt, which is a bottom-up tactic will get squashed like a little bug. We’re up against a behemoth.

    The only way we can starve the beast is from the top-down. We need to control of the narrative (i.e. the news/social media). Brad’s earlier comment about hitting the media oligarchs in the pocketbook is correct. A major loss in stock value will ALWAYS result in a major change in management and corporate direction.

    Once you control the media, the elections become more fair again. Once the elections reflect the REAL will of the voters, the Trump movement gains traction and government begins to shrink.

    It’s a long game. Unfortunately Americans have been fed ,and are addicted to, immediate gratification. That is our downfall.

  15. The theory is that the simple fact of divorcing your money from the system means it is no longer in circulation thus not aiding and abetting anything, including Uncle Sam’s ability to pull a cut from that activity. A “tax revolt” in effect.

    I agree with the principle despite knowing we’ll eventually have plenty of spare Parker Brothers currency at some point during our lifespan. At least I’ll have option to use mine to keep warm.

  16. Immortal Fish

    “…The theory is that the simple fact of divorcing your money from the system means it is no longer in circulation…”

    So you pull your money out of circulation, then what? How do you pay your mortgage? Your utilities? Put food on the table? Paying those necessary bills puts money into circulation. Then there are clothing requirements, home maintenance requirements, insurance requirements, gifts for family and friends, etc., etc.

  17. Boy the conversation on this thread has been eye-opening. Thank you all for your thoughtful input.

    After reading the comments, I’ve come to understand that nothing is going to work. Bottom-up, top-down, armed conflict or passiveness is bound to fail.

    That leaves only one way. The Way. Jesus Christ. He is going to return to Earth very soon to save those who have believed in Him and to judge those who have rejected His ultimate sacrifice on the cross. I know…that’s been said for 2,000 years. That was even prophesied that scoffers would say, “Where is the promise of His return.”

    The Bible is full of fulfilled prophecies of His first advent. The prophecies of the last days and His return are being fulfilled as we breathe. So what do we do? Humble ourselves before God and recognize that we can do nothing without Him.

    Christians must humble themselves, fast and pray in preparation for the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit to share the Good News that Jesus is the only way of salvation. We must share that God loves the sinner (of which I am) and that He will freely forgive those who ask Him.

    Those who have not chosen to believe, there is still time to humble yourself and admit that you want to be forgiven of your sins. He will honor that admission and forgive you when you ask Him. He’ll even give you the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Contrary to popular opinion, there won’t be a second chance once Jesus comes for those who believe in Him or when you die. I encourage you to choose Him now for we don’t have the luxury of knowing that we have another breath.

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