GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander on Amnesty: ‘I Would Vote for it Again’ – IOTW Report

GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander on Amnesty: ‘I Would Vote for it Again’

Breitbart: GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander told CNBC that he will vote again for an amnesty, even though his vote for the Democratic-led 2013 amnesty bill helped demolish his establishment GOP peers during the 2016 primaries and election.

“We need a legal immigration system, and we need to put that behind us,” he told CNBC’s John Harwood.  “We tried to do it in 2013; I voted for it. It would’ve solved many of the problems … I would vote for it again.”



Alexander, aged 77, was born before World War II in 1940, and was first elected as Tennessee governor in 1979, 38 years ago. Since then, the Democratic Party has been captured by aggressive progressives who are using mass-immigration to fracture the United States’ once-cohesive society into a multicultural, government-run territory. Democrats hoped the 2013 bill would help them import more government-dependent voters, but it instead caused a ballot box pushback by Americans in 2014 and 2016.

In his CNBC interview, Alexander echoed the long-standing consensus in the establishment GOP that amnesty legislation is needed to win support from alienated Latinos.  read more

25 Comments on GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander on Amnesty: ‘I Would Vote for it Again’

  1. “No Fool Like an Old Fool.”

    “Born a Fool, Live a Fool, Die a Fool.”

    “Once a Fool, Always a Fool.”

    Just proves that you don’t have to be particularly smart to be a corruption and an embarrassment.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If only we could all pitch in, buy all his neighbor’s homes, fill them with 40-50 invaders and let him wallow in the LUV. If he can sell and move, follow him and repeat, on and on. (do the same with all his family members as well)

  3. First, undertake steps to secure our borders against illegal immigration. Second, either enforce our current immigration laws, or pass comprehensive immigration laws which satisfy Americans. Then, and only then, can we begin discussing any form of amnesty.

    Ronald Reagan fell for this ruse: “let’s grant amnesty, and then pass immigration reform.” Sorry, but Congress was lying then and is lying now. I don’t even want a comprehensive reform bill; I want the government to show that it is serious about securing the borders and enforcing immigration law before we even start talking about amnesty because I don’t trust the bastards.

  4. I can’t utter this nitwit’s name without spitting after I say it. When Corker (spit!) announced he wouldn’t run again, I told Mr. Vixen “Great. Now Alexander needs to follow suit.” He’s an arrogant dirtbag who hasn’t represented Tennesseans for a very long time. TERM LIMITS!

  5. Don’t these feral jerks know that any form of amnesty is a no go and that ALL illegals must leave immediately never to return The discussion should then be on how many, who, and what the standards are for those if any, we let emigrate into this country in future years

  6. The only thing I can figure out w TN/AZ/WI/KY is there has to be overwhelming illegals/dead/ballet stuffing voters.
    How else to explain Lamar/McCain/McConnell/Paul?

    So ol’ Joe Barton (R) TX, nude selfie of his shriveled peenie (well, we can see it, he hasn’t seen it in years) has surfaced. Let’s. Get. On. With. It.
    Expose the rest of these perverts. I’m sick of them amassing mega-wealth, failure to work and voting against us when they are in session, all the while chasing skirt.

  7. Mexicans hold citizenship in a country with its own government, economy, culture, language, history, and other accouterments of society? What makes anyone believe that they would toss all of that aside and become full-fledged Americans with a different government, economy, culture, language, history and other accouterments of society? So why do they want to come here, Hmmm?

  8. The very first campaign I worked, in high school. I feel so ashamed I helped inflict this turd on my state. I hope to God I can be forgiven. I was just a kid. How did I know he was a prog?

  9. And another thing. Doesn’t he make enough cash to get his bloody glasses fixed?

    And also, remember the guy on his staff with the child porn who offed himself? That story sure died quickly.

  10. Alexander is a helicopter candidate. He’s AWOL for 5 and a half years then carpet bombs the state in his plaid shirt talking bout conservatism.

    Thus last time around there was a token primary challenger and he was running ads like his life depended on it. Because it did.

    I still didn’t vote for the piece of shit. Haven’t voted for a Republican in this state since 2008.

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