GOP Senators Hope to Sneak Amnesty into Trump’s Popular Immigration Reforms – IOTW Report

GOP Senators Hope to Sneak Amnesty into Trump’s Popular Immigration Reforms

Breitbart: Business advocates who want to import more foreign consumers and more foreign workers are developing plans to counter President Donald Trump’s popular call for a merit-based immigration reform.

The emerging strategy is to pair offers of minor concessions to Americans and Trump with demands for giveaways to business, including a bigger supply of low-wage workers and welfare-funded consumers. The immigration “pairing” strategy is being pushed by the industry-backed Business Policy Council, in cooperation with GOP Sen. Thom Tillis.

The strategy collides with Trump’s emphasis on raising Americans’ wages via “merit-based immigration,” which is also backed by a new productivity-boosting immigration drafted by two GOP Senators, David Perdue and Tom Cotton. “Real and positive immigration reform is possible, as long as we focus on the following goals: to improve jobs and wages for Americans, to strengthen our nation’s security, and to restore respect for our laws,” Trump told Congress February 28.

The business push for “pairing” creates a risk for the many Americans worried about cheap-labor migration, said Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies. President Trump “has the potential to be taken to the cleaners by [Sen.] Chuck Schumer because [immigration] is something he doesn’t know anything about…  hopefully [Steve] Bannon and [Stephen] Miller will prevent this from happening.”  more here

14 Comments on GOP Senators Hope to Sneak Amnesty into Trump’s Popular Immigration Reforms

  1. F the GOP. If these guys are too scared to repeal Obamacare and too corrupt to do anything about illegal immigration, then what good are they? Better off letting dems blow it all up and then we can start over.

  2. What really bothers me is not that the senators want amnesty. What really bothers me is they don’t want free market economics. They want to “raise wages.” Rather than, produce more goods therefore lowering the prices. Lowering prices, is much more beneficial than artificially raising wages.

    Anyone who believes that the Republicans are any different than the Democrats is willfully fooling themselves.

  3. Why not call it what it really is??? Slave labor. Dems are supporting slavery, pure and simple. What would you call working for less than fair market value for an hourly wage? One article I read over the weekend regarding a city council that voted to be a sanctuary city quoted one person flat out as saying we’d be living in dirty houses if the illegal immigrants were taken away.
    This is nothing more than modern day slavery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. @Helo Driver March 22, 2017 at 10:35 am

    > This is the reason the President should have line item veto

    No. Because then it’s on the President to try and cobble together something workable from the bits of trash shoveled on his desk. If it doesn’t work, then it’s the President’s poor selection skills, rather than Congress’ poor production skills. This attempt at toxic bundling is A Very Good Thing.

  5. @Jon March 22, 2017 at 10:58 am

    Don’t worry, Jon. They’re too corrupt to do anything about legal immigration, either. So they’ve still got you taken care of, no matter what.

  6. Regarding the linked article, I can’t take President Trump seriously, on any of this, until he “corrects” the popular quote “our forgotten working people”. They were not forgotten. They were declared the enemy, militarily vanquished, and looted for the profit of their attackers. Just like the Mideast. And by the same commanders.

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