GOP Senators Launch Effort to End MLB Antitrust Exemption – IOTW Report

GOP Senators Launch Effort to End MLB Antitrust Exemption


Key Republican senators have launched a push to take away Major League Baseball’s antitrust exemption in response to the league’s decision to pull its All-Star Game from Atlanta.

On Friday, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred announced his decision that the league would remove its 2021 All-Star Game from Atlanta in response to the state of Georgia’s decision to reform its voting laws.

“Over the last week, we have engaged in thoughtful conversations with Clubs, former and current players, the Players Association, the Players Alliance, among others, to listen to their views. I have decided that the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport is by relocating this year’s All-Star Game and MLB Draft.”

Representative Jeff Duncan (R, SC) was among the first to highlight baseball’s antitrust exemption as an area to target in retaliation for the league caving to liberal politicians and social justice activists.

“In light of @MLB‘s stance to undermine election integrity laws, I have instructed my staff to begin drafting legislation to remove Major League Baseball’s federal antitrust exception,” Duncan wrote in a tweet. more

Carlson: MLB ‘Encouraging the Destruction of Democracy’; Biden Willing to Destroy Baseball to Increase Democrats’ Power


Friday on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson discussed the controversies involving the Georgia General Assembly’s efforts to shore up election integrity through the legislative process, which has resulted in a backlash from Democrats and corporate America.

Carlson questioned the wisdom of Major League Baseball’s decision to remove its all-star game from Atlanta and aggressive statements made by Delta Air Lines and Coca-Cola executives, whose companies are both headquartered in Georgia. watch

13 Comments on GOP Senators Launch Effort to End MLB Antitrust Exemption

  1. The government no longer needs votes or the Supreme Court’s blessing to push agendas. Corporate leaders are running the country.

    How long before Disney or PepsiCo decides to change our nation’s Middle East policies?

  2. I certainly hope they move the all star game to a safe location. A place that is clean, low crime, drug free and where there are family oriented values and the hope for upward social mobility for the children.
    How about the south side of Chicago?

  3. when is Anheuser-Busch going to stop paying taxes until congress deems it raaacis/ageist to ask for ID to purchase beers?

    I wanna see full on corporate revolt against government as long as retards are running the show. Government has proven with money printing that citizen and corporate tax aren’t necessary anyhow.

  4. @ Anonymous APRIL 4, 2021 AT 9:43 AM

    Establishment Republicans are a subset of the progressive movement. Enemies of all real Americans and hell bent on destroying America. The fact that they lie about what they stand for makes them lower than Democrats.

    I have never seen a Democrat politician stand in front of a Democrat audience and lie to their faces regarding what they will support if elected. That is what establishment Republicans do as a matter of course. The only use they have for the Republican base is to dupe them into voting their sorry asses into office.

    You are pissing up a rope if you believe there is a chance in hell they GAS about anything but playing their part in the carefully scripted UniParty production of What Can We Get Away With Today.


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