GOPerickson Still Pining For Rubio, Ryan or Romney – IOTW Report

GOPerickson Still Pining For Rubio, Ryan or Romney

Curious. In his doofus rant, the sweaty thumb, straining to take a difficult sh!t, doesn’t even mention Ted Cruz as a possible replacement for Trump. (Make sure to click in and see my Erickson graphic. I couldn’t be prouder.)


It is a truth that those of us who are #NeverTrump have to admit and accept. There is no guarantee that dumping Trump as the GOP nominee will guarantee victory in November. In fact, if the GOP ditches Trump in Cleveland next week and the new nominee loses, the Trump supporters will easily blame all of us and never admit how bad it would be with him.

That is the truth.

Ditching Trump absolutely means there will be some people who just give up and go home. But the truth is also that many of Trump’s supporters are absolutely committed to stopping Hillary Clinton and they will not go home.

Whether the delegates resurrect the Presidential career of Marco Rubio, who would reverse the GOP’s declines with hispanics and women or with Scott Walker who would mitigate damage in the blue collar community while returning women to the fold or even Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney, the GOP can do no worse damage to itself than Donald Trump, but might go a long way toward winning.

In short, while ditching Trump would mean a loss of some voters, that loss would be overwhelmed by the influx of voters of all demographics.

I suspect the sigh of relief from the overwhelming number of voters that the GOP spared them a Trump nomination would generate lots of good will and also make the race exciting again.

– Erick Erickson

17 Comments on GOPerickson Still Pining For Rubio, Ryan or Romney

  1. Here’s a middle finger for thumbface.

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

  2. Committed to stop Hillary? Not so fast, thumby. GOPe injects any other than Trump, I will vote for Hillary, tell everyone to kiss my ass, buy a boat and I’ll be gone, unplugged and away from this nonsense.

  3. Rush, never again with this guy filling in. And you need to get your show off WSB 750 AM IN Atlanta. They ditch your show every chance they get to go sit in on the hot car baby trial for hours, or fluff the local failing prog newspaper which is owned by the same company as their radio station. And they hire the Thumb to do his own show. You need to move now, Rush.

  4. @Thirdtwin — I agree that WSB needs to dump him ASAP. I can’t stand to listen to his whiney voice during what is supposed to be the third hour of Hannity. Whenever possible, I have WSB on from 9AM (Herman) through Rush then through the first two hours of Hannity. As soon as I hear that bloviating scumbag start, the radio is off!

  5. @Thirdtwin, try logging into iheart radio and search for WMAL am 630, fm 105.9 in Washington DC. Not only do you get Rush, you get Chris Plante who is back next week, and if you haven’t heard him you are in for a treat. Savage is the drive time and Levin wraps up the day!
    Great graphic Fur!

  6. This loser won’t accept that Trump is now pulling away from Kankles in some MSM polls, so those of us supporting Trump get that some a-hole establishment types aren’t going to vote for Trump. They’ve told us enough already. We don’t give a shit – we are going to win with demographics Republican establishment types could only dream of capturing. He is pulling away with Hispanics in Florida. He has demographics no other Republican has been able to capture in decades. He appeals to the working class. Republicans being polled are generally supporting Trump. And by the way asshole, I’m a woman I wouldn’t be inspired to vote for Jeb!, Ryan, Mittens or any other establishment ass clown. That would be the recipe to trash any chance of stopping a Hillary presidency. Jackass.

  7. Great idea, Miss Conduct. That sounds like an excellent lineup. I have never liked WSB, and it is obvious that they are going to do whatever it takes to puff Hillary and bash Donald, all the while proclaiming impartiality. I’m going to try it your way.

  8. He thinks that there will be some great GOPe renaissance down the road after the DJT bullet has been dodged when in all likelihood his site (along with this and many others) will be shut down by the Clinton crime machine as a site promulgating hate speech. The irony would be bitterly delicious.

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