Gorka: ” ‘Lone Wolf’ is a concept designed to make Americans stupid” – IOTW Report

Gorka: ” ‘Lone Wolf’ is a concept designed to make Americans stupid”

“You have to have undercover assets in the mosques, in those places where the radicals recruit and you have to identify that Jihadi before they go kinetic…”

11 Comments on Gorka: ” ‘Lone Wolf’ is a concept designed to make Americans stupid”

  1. These mosques’ sole purpose is to metastasize jihadi cancer. They are the Lymph Nodes of Terror and there is only one thing to do; cut them out and irradiate the surrounding tissue. Said tissue being Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen…


    When ONE person with a gun shoots two or more people, all LAWFUL, legal gun owners are profiled as potential crazed, mass killers, who need to be constrained, regulated, tracked and not trusted. Their weapons and ammunition must be regulated and taxed to the point of prohibition, and there is no conflict between those actions and the Second Amendment.

    When HUNDREDS of MUSLIMS commit calculated and deliberated acts of terror, there is absolutely no connection to ideology, and no profiling or conclusion-jumping is allowed by LAW.

    Fu*k Leftists!

  3. We need to shut down all mosques, round up ALL muzzies, and deport them to the countries of their choosing. ALL OF THEM. They have no business being in the West. Their sole purpose of being here is to take over, destroy, and conquer. WAke up you stupid hillary and obama worshiping moronic sheep! I hope Trump gets serious about this and starts the deportations and shuts down immigration. It is an outdated concept and it needs to stop. We are not going down the same road as Britain, Sweden, and Germany!!

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