Gorka to Resign – IOTW Report

Gorka to Resign

“The most way I can to support the president is from outside the People’s House.”

The Federalist-

Sebastian Gorka is resigning his post as Deputy Assistant to President Trump, multiple sources familiar with the situation have told The Federalist.

In a blunt resignation letter, the national security and counterterrorism expert expressed dissatisfaction with the current state of the Trump administration. “[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote. “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”

Gorka’s letter expressed unhappiness with the direction the Trump administration’s foreign policy has taken, as signaled by the president’s recent speech on Afghanistan:

“Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will ‘Make America Great Again,’ have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months. This was made patently obvious as I read the text of your speech on Afghanistan this week…


ht/ meerkat

59 Comments on Gorka to Resign

  1. This makes me very sad, I really liked Gorka. He was the one guy I would stop what I was doing to listen to him. He comes across as measured but tough. Who is ascending? Who is not pushing MAGA? I am afraid Trump is surrounding himself with the wrong people (I didn’t care about Priebus or Spicer), I do care that Bannon and Gorka are gone. I am glad Arpaio has been pardoned though.

  2. Well, crap. Things looked wobbly when Bannon left. Now this. So, Stephen Miller and KellyAnne remain-for now.

    I hope Trump still listens to Laura Ingraham and Newt.

    Stop listening to Javanka!!!

  3. Well, if it was only 200 days before the swamp engulfed DJT, that’s 200 days better than Hillary would have done. I don’t believe it though, still holding faith.

  4. ” Breitbart is currently in negotiations with Dr. Gorka regarding his support for the website, as well as collaboration on a joint venture that would embody a Jacksonian national security vision. “

  5. They were fucking with him pretty good. From Breitbart:

    “Dr. Sebastian Gorka, who has served as deputy assistant to President Donald Trump since January, resigned from the White House administration on Friday evening.
    “Given recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote in his resignation letter. “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”

    Sources within the administration close to Dr. Gorka claim he became disillusioned because Trump’s key policy platform of fighting radical Islamic terrorism was repeatedly undermined when his national security adviser, HR McMaster, fired key individuals from the national security council who were loyal to that platform.

    Gorka had also become deeply frustrated with the unprecedented levels of personal abuse propagated against him by the mainstream media –which included attacks against his own children – as well the numerous bureaucratic obstacles used to slow down his work on national security issues, including delaying Gorka’s final permanent national security clearance.

    A source close to Dr. Gorka claimed that he made his decision following the president’s speech in which he indicated he would escalate America’s war in Afghanistan. “The anti-MAGAs” have control of Trump’s foreign policy, the source said.

    Breitbart is currently in negotiations with Dr. Gorka regarding his support for the website, as well as collaboration on a joint venture that would embody a Jacksonian national security vision. “

  6. I don’t get it. Bannon, Gorka, and Miller all leave screaming the sky is falling the Globalists are taking over and Trump keeps Trumping on. If Trump kills DACA I’m wondering what their reaction will be. Globalist love DACA. If Gorka and Bannon can do more for the agenda on the outside good for them. But I really don’t get “The Sky is Falling Routine”.

  7. I don’t believe that President Donald Trump is a conservative in the sense that President Ronald Reagan was during his entire political career. Reagan brought hundreds of conservatives with him from his years in California and as a speaker at Republican political events. His cabinet reflected his conservative political viewpoints. I also don’t believe that President Trump is a moderate Republican like the two Bushes were, or even Nixon. It really does not surprise me that Brannon and Gorka have departed from the Trump administration, given how new to politics Trump is, and how fluid his political viewpoints have been over the last twenty years. Fasten your seatbelts and grab your favorite libation by the neck, this is going to a very unconventional Presidency. I just hope it is more conservative than moderate.

  8. @Moe Tom — Don’t despair. I don’t speculate much anymore. I was over the moon when I learned that Gorka was joining the WH, so now I’m a little despondent over his leaving. I don’t understand how Trump can have feedback regarding McMaster and choose not to dig a little deeper into him and his background. I’m also in a bad mood regarding Gary Cohn’s very public criticism of Trump’s statement last Saturday regarding Charlottesville. I’ve been a leery of Cohn anyway and now this.

    But most of all, I’m in a pout about Trump not taking to the airwaves or twitter or something to give us greater insight to what’s going on in the WH. He owes us that much.

  9. This feels like a ‘soft’ military coup led by McMasters and sanctioned by Kelly who has been keeping things from PDJT under the guise of ‘not burdening’ the President with the ‘small stuff’.

    Wait. Watch. Listen. PDJT might just throw a fit over this bc I don’t think the generals have any loyalty to the agenda–just more to themselves.

    Hang in there everyone…relax and enjoy the weekend and we’ll see what happens on Monday!

  10. Well, luckily we still have Ryan and McCONnell supporting Trump. <s
    The brightest leave, Ryan and McCONnell will stay until they and the deep state obstruct or defeat every Trump commitment to the voters.
    If this continues, Trumps owns it.

  11. I say just wait and see. Trump is still the only game in town. Gorka definitely has his head screwed on right.
    Maybe Diamond and Silk should be part of the administration for a short period of time. 😉 See how the racist Trump haters handle that!

    If Trump fails, this country is F**CKED!

  12. “I don’t believe that President Donald Trump is a conservative in the sense that President Ronald Reagan was during his entire political career.”

    This ain’t Dodge City and you ain’t Bill Hickok. Ponder that Cruzbot.

  13. Diogenes? Abigail. There are no keys to my liquor cabinet or humidor. The wife wishes there was, but it ain’t going to happen. Not in my lifetime. I am taking a break from politics for health reasons. I can’t take these sons of bitches anymore. I am going to turn to reality humor for a while just to get my mind straight, like in Cool Hand Luke. “Gotta get your mind straight son, what we got here is a failure to communicate.” Remember that?
    I’ve worked on a golf course for sixteen years. Let me tell you a lot of assholes try to play golf. But there are much more wonderful people who play golf. And sometime funny things happen on the golf course. Here’s an example:
    Mr.and Mrs Horney are residents and play golf three or four times a week. Wonderful, friendly people. Jim Gay and his brother in law John, play practically every day . Great guys. Anyway last week it was very busy and the started combined the two.
    Then he made the announcement over the speaker:
    “Will the horny twosome and the gay twosome please report to the starter.”
    Mrs. Horney ran up to the starter and said “It’s HorNay, HorNay, not horney.” Then she turned on me and said “what the hell are you laughing at/” I said I can’t help but laugh. Then she patted me on the head and said you son of a bitch and started laughing. Then Jim Gay and John very mush amused said come on let’s play golf
    It was a great day.

  14. Tommy, my pal.

    I was exactly where you’re at about a week ago. And then thank God Trump held that rally in AZ. So awesome. We didn’t vote for these peripheral individuals. These same individuals did NOT invent Trumps platform. He did. Although it sure seems they want to take credit for it. Big point of contention. Sending more troops to Afghanistan. Think about this, as far as I know, and I’ve done my research, the only successful force EVER to invade Afghanistan was Black Water. Thats true shit. Why? NO ROE’s.

  15. Eliminating DACA is not a fucking moderate. WTF is wrong with you guys? Are you paying attention? Building a wall is not a moderate. Dropping cooperate taxes to 15% is not a moderate. Eliminating and relpacing Ocare is not a moderate. I think you have him confused with congress!

  16. “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” –The Crisis, Thomas Paine

    There are still many among us who cheer the winning but are too quick with suspicions and criticism when things are uncertain. This is a test of our characters and commitment. POTUS Trump may test the loyalty of his base, but he’s been hard at this for a mere 284 days. I think I can suffer through some ambiguity for a little longer. And I’m sure as hell not going to listen to those who were always waiting for his foot to slip so they could feel good about themselves.

  17. Moe Tom — I’ve spent the summer painting my house. Two stories, too many doors and windows. Just me and my two cats to keep me company. Geoff C. supervises on his days off. LOL! I had to fire him a couple times already. I needed the diversion more than the house needed paint — and it really needed new paint! I’m nearly finished with all the stuff I can reach from the ground with a ladder and extension roller, so next week I’m bringing in the scaffolding for the upper dormers, eaves, etc. Sometimes I’ll listen to conservative talk radio, but only if the talk is upbeat, otherwise it’s just me and my thoughts and the usual neighborhood noises. And I go to bed tired every night having accomplished something important — more equity.

    So take some time off, friend. It’ll do you a world of good. Trump’s got this and there is a life outside of politics (as you know). Loved your golf story! So funny!

  18. Abigail You sound like a wonderful hard working woman. You are out of place here in Utopia where intellectuals, academians, dindonuffins,free loaders and other scum rule the roost. God Bless You Abigail.

  19. I could care less if he’s moderate to semi liberal. He’s blowing up D.C. and the swamp creatures. That’s all I want from him.

    Besides, non of the shit that’s happening is his fault. The stupid populace voted in the ba$t@rds in house and senate. It’s our fault (generalization)we didn’t stop them. Now we complain and moan that PT isn’t doing it the way we want.

    Pray, promote good nominees, become a precinct committeeman, stand on your head, hit an Antifa guy, whatever, but pray for PT.

  20. Geoff
    Hey, next time you guys are headed down here, lets see if we can’t get Tommy and his SAINT of a wife to fly out here. I can pick them up at the airport, my wife speaks fluent Irish, gotta an upstairs I haven’t seen in a while, Tommy’s fav alcohol is available in Cali. and I’m the best damn Meat Chef on the face of the earth. Hmm, not sure that sounded quite right, I’ll smoke your meat. Shit even worse. Well I’m damn good at cooking meat over an open flame.

  21. BB — Yeah, we have reason to happy with this President, haven’t we. Wish you two would take a road trip our way sometime.

    Moe Tom — That’s so kind of you. Thank you. And God bless you MT. (Believe me, we are completely surrounded by Utopians who use the entire Progressive lexicon. Three new families in the neighborhood in the past few months — all from CA. All with children who have uni-sex names and stories of their “doggy children”. We fly our 3X5′ flag proudly at the street and have a 40X52″ copy of the Declaration hanging in a huge glassed frame on our dining room wall. I keep a pile of read Imprimus issues in the guest powder room. I want to totally freak all visitors completely out. Oh, we’re very open about our church, too. LOL!)

  22. Just sent the grandkids home, looks like I missed stuff. First Bannon, now Gorka, both saying they will be more effective outside the White House than inside. I don’t like it. It’s like saying your not going to play for the major league team because you will help them better in AAA, even if you are better than those on the major league roster. I think it sucks, and I’m not talking about the Seattle straw law

  23. Lead Salad, I hope your’e wrong too. for what it’s worth your’e one of my favorite commentors. Everything you post is just so damn straight forward. Not swapping spit with ya you understand. Just sayen I notice your shit. LOL

  24. I’m tired. I’m going to go listen to today’s WH press briefing. Mnunchin, McMaster (ugh), and someone else (the Homeland Security guy) was there. Should be good. I really like Sanders’ style. She brooks no nonsense from the press. Tough as nails.

  25. Moe Tom. I am the Yoke , or yokel.
    All kidding aside AA is truly one of a kind.
    The list of things that she has done in her life is very long, from being in the Air Force , a fine mother and wife , her business life , it is a long list.
    And then there is the story how she won me in a bet over a game of pool , you will have to ask her about that yourself.
    Come to the west coast we would have a blast.
    PS. bring your own Tannerite.

  26. Tommy. I’m not shitting. The wife and I live in a 4800 Sq Ft house that I haven’t seen the upstairs in for a couple years. She ventures up there to kill any carnivores that might have snuck in. You’re more than welcome pal. Dang that would be fun.

  27. It’s not a question of trusting Trump to do the right thing, but having people we know are solid close by is reassuring. Now they’ve been thinned out and Trump is deeply surrounded by some questionable characters, its understandable people would be getting a little concerned.

  28. Well, now no one can control what these people say and Trump can’t be attacked for their actions. Let’s hope they become more outspoken.
    I do find it hard to believe that anyone can control everything POTUS reads and watches. I don’t see Trump putting up with that.

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