Gosnell – “What I’ve Done and Why I Did It Will Be Accepted in My Lifetime” – IOTW Report

Gosnell – “What I’ve Done and Why I Did It Will Be Accepted in My Lifetime”


January 25, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Kermit Gosnell, the abortionist now serving a life sentence without parole for killing born-alive babies in a filthy, foul-smelling facility where he stored baby parts in jars, is now claiming he’ll be released.

In fact, he’s so convinced he will be vindicated and freed that he says he is training for a triathlon.

According to the Daily Mail, the infamous Philadelphia abortionist also believes he was only convicted of first degree murder and manslaughter in 2013 because the three police officers investigating the case are practicing Catholics.

The officers “were motivated by strong moral objectives rather than the law,” Gosnell told Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer, who interviewed the 75-year-old abortionist in a Pennsylvania state prison for their book Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer.

“It helps that I very strongly believe myself to be innocent of the heinous crimes of which I am accused…I continue to feel optimistic of the eventual outcome…the vindication of what I’ve done, why I’ve done it and how [it] will become accepted within my lifetime,” Gosnell told them.

Investigators found 47 baby corpses in the abortion center, but could not be determine if they had been killed before or after birth. Gosnell had stored baby parts, such as feet he had cut from the bodies, in jars.

“The walls appeared to be urine-splattered,” the Philadelphia District Attorney’s office stated. “The procedure tables were old and one had a ripped plastic cover. Suction tubing, which was used for abortion procedures – and doubled as the only available suction source for resuscitation – was corroded.”

Gosnell was spared the death sentence in a plea deal with prosecutors in which he agreed not to appeal his sentence of life in prison without parole.

But Gosnell remains far from repentant.

He told the makers of 3801 Lancaster, a 2013 documentary on Gosnell, that reading the Bible in jail has made him feel justified in what he did: “Until I really completed my first Genesis to Revelation reading of the Bible — which I did since I was incarcerated — I really didn’t feel as comfortable as I am.”

“I think it’s Genesis 2:7, expresses the breath of life as the beginning of life that God breathed breath — breathed life — into Adam. The Bible, to me, is very clear that life does not happen until breath,” he stated.

“When you talk to Gosnell, either by phone or in person, the first thing that strikes you is his calmness,” Authors McElhinney and McAleer told the Daily Mail.

“The first time he called, he sounded like a man coming in from playing eighteen holes of golf and ready for the nineteenth-hole cocktail, not someone serving three consecutive life terms who knows he will die in prison.”


17 Comments on Gosnell – “What I’ve Done and Why I Did It Will Be Accepted in My Lifetime”

  1. This clearly was prior to the election. He, along with all the immoral left (neocons and globalists) believed Hillary wa a given. They already accept his actions as justifiable, so naturally he hoped to be pardoned

    Elections have consequences. His dream can die in prison with him now.

  2. I was unwanted by my mother-to-be and aborted.

    But, I am with God now, with many friends to roam Heaven with.

    God welcomed me, and told me that children are the closest beings to Him, because we so recently left Heaven to join our families.

    It saddens God greatly how so many of his children are discarded or mistreated.

    I am at peace now. I have many friends here.

  3. Gosnell is wrong. The left lost this election, and if conservatives and moderates are vigilant will keep losing elections because normal people are tired of promoting moral perversions as acceptable behavior. Abortion is, to most people, a perversion because it is used as a common form of birth control. Killing viable fetuses is, to most people, murder. Catering to the LGBT community and giving them superior rights is not acceptable. Justifying the murder of police officers is not acceptable. Refusing to recognize that most terrorism is committed by Muslims is not acceptable.

    People like Gosnell believed that they were winning, and this recent election showed that they are wrong. Gosnell will die in prison.

  4. Which is worse: the person who completely dehumanized babies in order to kill them, or the one who is convinced they’re as human as anyone but couldn’t care less and does it anyway.

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