Got My “Holiday” Card From the Obamas – IOTW Report

Got My “Holiday” Card From the Obamas


ht/ bitterclinger

19 Comments on Got My “Holiday” Card From the Obamas

  1. ….and how much does anyone wanna bet that the service men over in musloid countries can’t receive Christmas wishes because it might offend a shit-eating muslm over there?

  2. If you think the past 7 years have been outrageous wait until you see what Michelle will be wearing for the 0bamas last year in office

    Merry Christmas

    Michelle’s Upholstery Team

  3. And I hope you two socialist/fascist cocksuckers enjoy the eight years you have been infesting the White House. Because before the next eight are up, everyone that utters your name will be spitting right after they say it. Saliva will be your legacy.

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