Got to Give Tom Cruise Credit When Credit is Due – IOTW Report

Got to Give Tom Cruise Credit When Credit is Due

You always hear actors “doing their own stunts, ” and most of the time it doesn’t even qualify as a “stunt.”

These are stunts—>

31 Comments on Got to Give Tom Cruise Credit When Credit is Due

  1. I have a former Top Gun instructor friend who was on the Ranger when they filmed Top Gun. He had some interesting stories about Tom Cruise having his ass one-arm lifted out of an F14 by a plane captain and tossed on the ground before being berated in front of the entire film crew and the deck hands for FODding an F14 cockpit with a broken pair of Ray Ban glasses.

    There was another incident when Cruise, still onboard the boat, got caught on a passage way during a general quarters drill. Evidently when the drill was over and the hatches were opened, Cruise was directly behind one of the hatches when it was thrust open right into his face.

    Good actor, arrogant douche for a personality from what I was told.

  2. He’s still a Scientologist. According to Scientology beliefs, Scientology itself is a blend of science and spirituality, with belief in an immortal spirit and in improving that spirit here on Earth using Scientology’s methods. Scientologists do not typically dwell on Heaven or Hell or the afterlife, instead focusing on the spirit.

    Every eye shall see Him and every knee shall bow. There is a heaven and a hell, pick one or the other. Either way, if you don’t believe in God, you’re the walking dead no matter how many stunts you pull off.

  3. I can’t figure out how they are going to incorporate that scene into a movie. How is it going to be believable that there is a ramp built to the edge of a cliff? I guess they’ll edit the ramp out and make it appear to be poor Tom riding off a cliff. I can’t even remember the movie I’ve seen.

  4. Scam-entology Asside, he ACTS like a MAN, delivered a decent product compared to current standards, is patriotic, and does not spend his time shitting half of the country.

    Try and find that in the mainstream in 2022.

    I can’t watch Star Trek, Sta Wars, Thor, or recently Stevie Nicks any more.


  5. Kcir

    When he was filming Top Gun 2 the Chiacoms demanded he remove the Taiwanese flag from the back of his leather flight jacket. He told them to pound sand. As I understand it the movie has never been shown in China and still broke all kinds of records.

  6. I saw newsreel footage of an RAF pilot who was heading back to Britain during WW2 when a rudder in the tail was stuck . He managed to somehow get out of the cockpit and “tie” himself with some heavy rope and shimmy his way to the rudder while the craft was in air . He fixed that rudder with simple tools then had to get back (against the wind) to the cockpit and fly home . Now, he was an awesome pilot !

  7. Brad, I can’t post the links because it will “moderate” my comment, but there are a number of links that report just the opposite; Cruise did roll over and accommodate the Chi-coms and removed both flags from Taiwan and Japan. Tencent Productions, a Chinese company, is the film’s major financial backer and the film is being shown in China.

    I watched the movie last week, it is much better than the first one.

    Twitter has a number of images of the jacket from both movies, it was altered.

  8. Rich Taylor

    I dunno. I’ve read the exact opposite. Further more I saw the movie. And that Taiwanese flag was definitely on the back of his leather flight jacket. That’s pretty damn easy to prove.
    I have no idea what your reading, but

  9. Hey Ladies,
    This Guy can Fly.
    And a lot of other stuff too.
    Can Read, Cook and Drive fast.

    I do not have money, well, paycheck to paycheck
    If you know what I mean.

    Any free ladies want to try me?

  10. BRAD,

    I actually have a TAIWAN Flag (sticker) on the Back of My VAN.

    I’m a certified asshole & Pissing lefties off makes me all warm & Fuzzy.

    FUCK ChYnA!

  11. My opinion of the man aside, he’s skilled. The body control on exiting a helicopter for a free fall jump, flawless. The expertise on that dirt bike.

    He’s doing difficult things I know personally are not trivial to gain those skills and he does them well.

  12. Brad, fortunately, I recorded the movie on my DVR so I rewatched the beginning and sure enough, at the 4:45 mark there it is, he removes the jacket from his locker and it has both flags on it.

    Weird because there are a number of links like this one that confirm the removal of both flags;,the%20removal%20of%20his%20Japanese%20and%20Taiwanese%20patches.

    Anyway, I thought the movie was very good. Although I could do without the cocky attitudes from the recruits. I listened to a podcast last month on the Megyn Kelly Show, she had a former Top Gun instructor on. He critiqued the movie and gave it high marks for accuracy but admitted that the recruits were not cocky, held the instructors in awe and only wanted to get better.

  13. Rich Taylor

    There always is the possibility some one has pirated it to sell the the Chinese market.

    It was a very enjoyable movie to watch. Actually it was the first movie we thought was worthy of paying to see at a theater in about ten years.

  14. I’ve hated the mask nonsense since the get-go, but at the same time if your boss is paying you and he tells you to wear a mask if I want a job, I guess I’ve got to at least somewhat comply, sometimes, when they’re looking maybe.
    But I’m more mad about them pushing the not a vaccine, still giving us a choice but acting like it’s some kind of miracle answer which was clearly not the case.
    I told them right off the bat that if the fake vaccine worked why do we still need to wear a mask.
    It’s all a lie to this day.
    Yet no, we were wrong, sorry.
    Tom is clearly a jerk for the way he treats people that work for him.
    Just because you’re the big guy doesn’t give you right to be a asshoe.

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