Gov. Cuomo ‘groping’ accuser reveals identity in new interview – IOTW Report

Gov. Cuomo ‘groping’ accuser reveals identity in new interview

NYP: The aide who’s accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo of groping her and kissing her on the lips revealed her identity on Sunday as part of an interview in which she called his alleged conduct “a crime.”

Brittany Commisso, 32, told “CBS This Morning” and the Albany Times Union that she filed a criminal complaint against Cuomo, 63, last week because “it was the right thing to do.”

“The governor needs to be held accountable,” she said in a teased clip.

“What he did to me was a crime. He broke the law.”

Commisso — whose full interview is set to air Monday morning — also described how Cuomo’s alleged unwanted touching of her escalated over time.

“Then they started to be hugs with kisses on the cheek. And then there was at one point, a hug. And then when he went to go kiss me on the cheek, he quickly turned his head and he kissed me on the lips,” she said. read more

12 Comments on Gov. Cuomo ‘groping’ accuser reveals identity in new interview

  1. Couple things that bother me about this, kinda sorta. If Andrew looked like a Greek God, or like me (LOL),she would not have filed the complaint. A fairly attractive female who’s looking for attention from the opposite sex and may I dare say gets pissed when she doesn’t get it. She dresses provocatively, leaves some parts exposed, and then complains when she hooks the wrong guy. That’s not how fishing works darling. Not to mention there’s a racist aunt Jamima tat would love to destroy a white man. Any white man. The real crime her is he will never be investigated or charged for all the elderly HE MURDERED. But who cares. God will eventually judge him.

  2. It would be so much easier if powerful men did not act like pigs. Yeah, women high up the rung indulge in similar behavior, how about this, people need to behave better.

    I hate these he-said/she-said scenarios because there is no way to elicit the truth. Just because a public figure is a creep does not mean that any of these allegations are true. Just because several women say he groped them, it does not make it so. Without third-party corroboration, some physical evidence like video footage, some independent statement from the perp bragging about to a friend, torn clothing,a big fat cum stain on a blue dress, anything probative, it still comes down to someone’s word.

    If the Albany DA’s office does not have anything substantial to verify her account, nothing will be done. And TBH, that is exactly the way it should be.

  3. I’m White, of Italian Descent, & Canadian.

    When Turdeau got caught in Blackface he shared that guilt with me and every white person in the world by claiming, “Systematic discrimination and racism, privilege, unconscious bias, the usual bullshit. Not just his fault but ALL OF OUR FAULT.

    Now, Cumhole is basically claiming, “I’m Italian, we touch, kiss fondle and hug.

    Now I get to wear the GREASE BALL Stereotype as well.

    Thank you very fucking much!

  4. Hey Kcir, I would have thought the very fact that Robert De Nero is Italian would have been reason enough to change your last name to Goldstein.

    Although we haven’t done much recently, the wife and spent several years traveling the world. I told her early on that if something bad happens involving Islamic terrorists, we will tell them we are Canadians. Everyone loves Canadians. In France it worked well too, they don’t like Americans much there.

  5. Cuomo is dense. Did he even ask her if she had brushed her teeth since her last meal? No!

    She may have just finished a huge plate of shrimp scampi, all nice and fishy and garlicky. That stuff could be all over her tongue, teeth, and the backside of her throat.

    Cuomo the dope probably didn’t care. But there can be a price to pay for random smooching. My advise is to think and observe carefully before you get all hot and want to smooch someone!

  6. @Rich

    “Everyone loves Canadians.”

    That’s if they have even heard of Canada.

    Back in the 1920’s one of Al Capone’s men told him about a shipment of Canadian whiskey coming in.

    Capone said: Canada? I don’t even know what street Canada is on.

  7. Someone should have told him, “Boss, Canada, you know, that place north that has such great medical insurance but whenever they need to see a doctor or get something treated they come here, yeah, that place.”

  8. @rich taylor

    My wife’s last name was very close to Goldstein. She’s Jewish, I’m Catholic, and when I go to the Old town in Italy they call me L’Americano.
    We got the most hated (Jewish), the most hunted (Christian) and the most blamed thing down solid.

  9. @ Rich & Kcir
    I, too, have traveled extensively around the world. It’s true that people from many places don’t particularly like Americans for any number of reasons, usually out of jealously or perceived resentment, but mostly from the negative stereotypes they see on movies, TV and slanted news accounts. It has been my experience that even if they don’t like Americans, they always love Texans. It’s as if they don’t consider Texans as Americans. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked if I owned horses, guns or oil wells. They are usually fascinated with gun ownership and I give them plenty to think about. I’m often told I sound like Sam Elliot and foreign women seem to eat that up. I’ve been known to lay it on a little thick for their enjoyment.


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