Gov. Cuomo: ‘We Didn’t Have’ Hurricanes, Superstorms, Tornadoes Before Climate Change – IOTW Report

Gov. Cuomo: ‘We Didn’t Have’ Hurricanes, Superstorms, Tornadoes Before Climate Change


On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Live,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) argued hurricanes, superstorms, and tornadoes were on the rise because of anthropogenic climate change.

While discussing the flooding in New York State, Cuomo said, “Anyone who questions extreme weather and climate change is just delusional at this point. We have seen in the state of New York what every one has seen. We see these weather patterns that we never had before. We didn’t have hurricanes. We didn’t have superstorms. We didn’t have tornadoes. This is a storm that came up just overnight, dropped about five inches of rain, and it was literally a matter of life or death for people.” read more

27 Comments on Gov. Cuomo: ‘We Didn’t Have’ Hurricanes, Superstorms, Tornadoes Before Climate Change

  1. NY had a hurricane in 1939.

    One of the deadliest hurricanes in history hit Galveston in 1900.

    The Japanese word “kamikaze” means “divine wind” which is what they called typhoons that spared Japan from invasion centuries ago — and, as I recall, they happened in an area that “never” gets typhoons.

    Can I be that stupid and make that much money, or is that reserved only for Democrats?

  2. Those damn dinosaurs and their V8 Dinocars!

    Luckily Rudolf Diesel hadn’t been born yet, because if he had given those dinosaurs THAT technology the earth wouldn’t exist at all.

  3. this is very disturbing behavior by ‘our betters’. they’re either grossly stupid & arrogant, or they believe enough of the ‘prols’ will believe their claptrap.

    I’m beginning to change my opinion to the former over the latter … maybe it’s because I’m in a good enough mood tonight & think the majority of the ‘peasantry’ is a whole lot smarter than the hand-spooned, hand-fed, hand-wiped, pampered-throughout-their-whole-existence lives, never actually knowing the accomplishment of earning by one’s own effort. unlike PDT, they are the dumb ones & it takes very little effort for anyone w/ half a brain cell to see it … unfortunately, we are cursed w/ de’rats that strive to create never-ending flatuent dumbness

    we are a combination of ‘The Matrix’, ‘Brave New World’ & ‘Idiocracy’ … (we went beyond ‘1984’ during the Bush II years)

  4. As I remember from my third grade education, I believe that Lizzie Warren’s ancestors sold Manhattan to you for $24 dollars worth of wampum and tobacco in the 1600’s. You didn’t have that before either….LOL….

  5. March 18th, 1925. YEARS before AGW was invented there was a little tiny tornado called Tri-State Tornado. The 151 to 235 mi (243 to 378 km) track left by the tornado was the longest ever recorded in the world, as it crossed from southeastern Missouri, through southern Illinois, then into southwestern Indiana.

    Funny with all the bigger more frequent tornadoes we get with man made climate change that none has come even close to it. Not anywhere in the entire world and while that might not include NY, I think it’s at least somewhat relevant in the conversation. You know, without that tornado it’s likely AOC wouldn’t have been born. Or at the very least the 3-state tornado is responsible for NOT occurring in NY.

  6. Surprise here: He is absolutely correct!

    Thing is … he doesn’t even know it.

    Of course we didn’t have hurricanes, superstorms and tornadoes before Climate Change. Climate Change started the instant the earth was formed. Without Earth, how could these storms happen? When the earth was formed, the climate began to change and has always changed ever since. It will never stop changing. That’s the way the planet functions.

    See, he thinks that the earth has been constant from the beginning to just before the invention of industry. He (and all the so-called client scientists) think that only since pollution has the climate started changing.

    What a pathetic looser.

    The climate ‘scientists’, however, are lying. That’s how they make their money.

  7. @RadioMattM November 2, 2019 at 10:14 pm

    > Can I be that stupid and make that much money, or is that reserved only for Democrats?

    Don’t have to be a Democrat. Anybody who’s daddy was too stupid to work a condom, but could make other people give him a million bucks, can make other people give him a million bucks.

  8. I came to say what Claudia said.
    They really mean globull warming. But they say ‘you don’t believe in climate change’ – and if you respond that you do they twist that into believing in human-caused globull warming.
    Also, ‘believe’ is a BS word. ‘Accept the science behind…’ is better. Of course they do, in fact, ‘believe’. It frees them from having to think about proof.

  9. @Claudia
    Yes, they are lying. I hate to admit working with some of these folks, but it’s the truth. Look at the Ocean acidification scare. What a hot mess! I can’t even go into it. I’ve always tried to be objective about my biological work, and I’ve seen nefarious means to it’s intent, for decades. I’ve been from running up creeks counting spawning salmon, to spending a third of a year on the road negotiating West coast fisheries harvest guidelines. Who cares about the fish, it’s political. That’s why I went back to pure biological work. Half the price but twice as nice. Virtually at the bottom of the ocean, from video, describing habitat, fish and invertebrates. Fun stuff in my opinion, for an old worn out field biologist.

  10. Never confuse intellect with inbreeding, I am sure the WOPS in coumo’s one branch non forking family tree were marrying each other long before climate change became the scam it is, and this family came to the USA, it has finally shown itself in the low level intellectual level in mario and fredo, I apologize to the good and decent Italians that struggled after they came here for the freedoms earned by becoming citizens, not the corrupted shiite spewing mouthpiece in the govenors office. The love of my life is full Italian and she and her family think this family is scum.

  11. @RadioMatt

    I have a book on the 1939 hurricane that hit Long Island, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. It was bad, and there was little, if any, warning, because tracking hurricanes was not well developed at the time.

    When I was 6 years old, living in Toronto, we got hit by Hurricane Hazel. The streets looked like rivers and basements were flooded. We probably got just the petered out storm, being that far inland, but it was bad enough. The cities on the eastern seaboard must have gotten walloped.


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