Gov Matt Bevin surges over Dem candidate after transgender campaign ad – IOTW Report

Gov Matt Bevin surges over Dem candidate after transgender campaign ad

20 Comments on Gov Matt Bevin surges over Dem candidate after transgender campaign ad

  1. A tranny wanna be can be cured real easily. Make them put on a pair of support top, sheer leg pantyhose in 90 degree temps with 80 percent humidity without airconditioning, while sporting long manicured fingernails. They flunk with the first snag, rip or run.

  2. Find me a woman who can open a factory sealed pickle jar and i’ll show you a woman with testicles.

    Some exceptions. Like vice grip Vickie.

    But she was the exception to the rule and about near killed me in the rack.

  3. Instead of being a name that is only partially correct, they should be called “Franken Athletes”. It is not possible to go from “man” with all functions to “women” with all functions.
    At this juncture, our Creator makes those decisions in advance for us.

  4. Good move by Bevin to make this a real live election issue.
    I’ll bet a solid nickel the Democrat will change his viewpoint when he sees how many votes it loses for him/her/it.
    – This is the Democrats’ REAL war on women.

  5. There’s something more a foot here. Back in my day, what kind a faggot pansy ass would have survived the beating the rest of us would have given him for competing with women? It’s time to start that shit again. Sometimes “Bullying” is a teachable moment.

  6. My wife just had a tire blow-out on her car.

    Now, she knows “how” to change a tire, but she still called me for roadside assistance.

    And who do you suppose came to change the tire? That’s right, a big, burly MAN!

    And THAT explains everything there is to know about so-called “women’s equality”!

  7. I call AAA. My wife and kids all have cards, and I can tell you of all the money I have spent for service providers of all types, AAA has been without exception a standout operation.

  8. @PHenry – I can open a factory sealed pickle jar! Nalley’s and Vlassic. I give the rim of the llid a good bang on the floor, wait for the “sigh”, then open it up with ease. I ❤️ pickles!

  9. Well, at least we’ll be able to tell by the response which victim/grievance group is higher on the totem pole. It’s so hard to keep it all straight (no pun intended) from day to day. It’s worse than tracking the commodities market.

  10. I’m getting old so I probably already told this and forgot, but I was reading about this “woman” who disappeared one night. They have a FB page for “her” and a group of people who try to keep “her” disappearance known. Something sounded odd about the whole thing, because they pointed out how “she” had helped the LGBTQ community and “she” was one of many Indigenous women missing. That screams liberals for starters, most folks around here say “Indian” or Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, etc., not Indigenous.
    So I found the Police Bulletin on her and it said woman as well. So I did some more digging and found my hunch to be correct, “she” was a “he.” Now to not be upfront that “she” is a he and to only call him by his “she” name is idiotic. If he decided to be a he again then nobody would think he was the “she” they say is missing. If he ended up dead in a ditch somewhere and his body is on ice somewhere as a John Doe, they will never identify him as their missing friend and family member. That is the liberal mind though, must be stupid to the end.


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