Gov Moonbeam’s war on cars and suburbs – IOTW Report

Gov Moonbeam’s war on cars and suburbs

ProteinWisdom- Not only Moonbeam, mind you, but most of the socialist Democrats in the California state legislature who use the fanatical Green religion as an excuse to strip people of their means of independent transportation and single family homes.

Senate Bill 350, now pending in the Assembly, sets 2020 goals of a 50 percent reduction in petroleum use, having 50 percent of electric power coming from renewable sources, and increasing energy efficiency of buildings by 50 percent.

Senate Bill 32 sets even more ambitious California carbon reduction goals for 2050.

This is serious business.


25 Comments on Gov Moonbeam’s war on cars and suburbs

  1. It’s worse than that. These dumb shits have floated the idea of clustered pod housing in metropolitan areas. In other words vacate the burbs. Yea soccer moms probably aren’t going for that you Fing lunatics.

  2. All of the West Coast metropolitan areas are packed full of do-gooder assholes that think they know how WE should live. I hope I live long enough to see our side stick it up their ass!

  3. Mean while these assholes are talking about raising the gas tax because more fuel efficient cars and less driving yields less revenue. You can’t make this shit up. No blind fold.

  4. Yup, we live the same shit. It is frickin unbelievable! Instead of just 100, we need to march them out by the hundreds. It’s possible another glass of wine is in order, that might help. Whiskey or tequila would be a mistake.

  5. Imagine if they had cars that ran on water. You would still have to buy only “government” water at $5.00 a gallon. If you get caught using your own water from the garden hose you go to jail.

    It’s what they did in England when they found out truckers were using used cooking oil instead of diesel. The Nazis went out and followed truckers that had a sweat smell coming from their exhaust. They were fined in the thousands for “tax evasion” for not paying the government what they were “rightfully owed”.

  6. People fleeing Cali are conservatives. Think about it. The liberals are not leaving because they think they’re winning. Also big difference between NorCal and SoCal. I’ll be leaving eventually. I really don’t want to fight my way into a new community.

  7. Here’s the thing about Carli and Meg. When they were running huge Silicoln Valley corporations they did everything the could to get cheap Indian and Paki engineers over here. That meant crawling in bed with libs, and they did. Which I get. But then don’t come off like you’ve been a staunch conservative all your life. Trump wears it. By the way right down the road from Woodside Alpine Drive HP is Space Systems Loral. In Palo Alto. That area used to be all conservative. I think the only one left is the CEO of Cypruss Semiconductor.

  8. “to get cheap Indian and Paki engineers”
    Not that it’s right, but it’s better than importing cheap ignorant uneducated Latino gardeners and farm workers who are more of a drain on the system than they’re worth.

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