Gov. Tom Wolf Orders PA Counties Not To Comply With State Senate Audit Request – IOTW Report

Gov. Tom Wolf Orders PA Counties Not To Comply With State Senate Audit Request

Washington Times

The administration of Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania has ordered counties not to comply with a Republican state senator’s request for voting data to be used in an audit of the 2020 election.

The Pennsylvania Department of State said in a two-page directive that the request by state Sen. Doug Mastriano of Franklin County, an ally of former President Donald Trump, “jeopardizes the security and integrity” of the counties’ voting systems. 

“Such access by third parties undermines chain of custody requirements and strict access limitations necessary to prevent both intentional and inadvertent tampering with electronic voting systems,” the department said. More

15 Comments on Gov. Tom Wolf Orders PA Counties Not To Comply With State Senate Audit Request

  1. It took a while to remember I had this…
    Democratic loaves and fishes in Pennsylvania…
    15,000 mail in ballots were sent out of state,
    1,823,148 ballots were sent out in state,
    2,589,242 ballots were returned,
    766,094 votes came out of the woodwork for Dimwits,
    After the election, 300,000 voters were dropped,
    These are only some of the irregularities in Pennsylvania,
    This may be legitimate, but it sure stinks until it is.

  2. Wolfie… I’m gonna tell you the SAME thing I’ve been tellin’ ya’, for 6 years now…

    🖕😠🖕 you. VERY much.

    Deep, HARD, and squaw in the ass.

  3. Not permitting the audit, is proof of the fraud.
    Gov. Tom Wolf has already accepted the payoff.
    There needs to be indictment, maybe a few facing jail time, would shake loose the rest of the liars and cheats.

  4. He recently vetoed a passed bill outlawing vaccine passports.

    Wearing my “Tom Wolf is nonessential” t-shirt to the Franklin County Courthouse tomorrow to renew my CCA.

    Thank God both of state legislature bodies ate not his party anymore.

  5. Liberals want to force conservatives to take “the jab”…..Why….???? Why should liberals worry about conservatives dying of COVID1984….”Their body, their choice.”……and I thought liberals wanted conservatives gone…..?

    joe says he won fair and square…..then do the 2020 Election audit and prove Trump45 and MAGA wrong.

    What the hell are the liberals afraid of…..????

  6. They’re NOT afraid. They are arrogant. Better stated they are BRAZEN.

    They know everyone knows they’re criminals, they don’t CARE. Because they believe they will not be held accountable, and they are 100% correct.

    That NO ONE in Justice, LE or any legislative body gives a rip about THE LAW, tells you this country is a zombie shell of itself.


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