Government Double Standard On Cigars – IOTW Report

Government Double Standard On Cigars

With the announcement yesterday that the $100 limit on Cuban cigars and rum is being lifted, residents of The United States will have the opportunity to purchase as much of these world class products as they wish.

At the same time the U.S. market is being flung open, the FDA is attempting  to burden domestic makers of premium cigars with regulations that will make it hard for them to compete much less stay in business.

More on lifting the ban on Cuban cigars and rum Here

Summary of the Food and Drug Administration’s new regulations Here

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for free trade and competition, but I oppose crippling domestic manufactures by imposing regulations that don’t apply to foreign makers. 

10 Comments on Government Double Standard On Cigars

  1. If these government stooges truly gave a shit about you or your health, would they continue their (our) generous subsidies the tobacco industry while accepting the massive tax revenue it generates for them?

    I smell an African-American in the firewood supply…

  2. Dr. Tar you nailed it.
    I’m absolutely happy for Cuban cigars to be allowed into the US but their production needs to be saddled with the same burden as US manufacturers how the authorities achieve this is up to them but fair trade does not equal free trade and never has.

  3. Cuban cigars aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. I’ve smoked 5 in my life, 2 on Caribbean Cruises, and the others, well … I worked on Capitol Hill and would rather not say … NONE … repeat … NONE compared to Dominicans, or what now comes out of Nicaragua.

    They’re a fuckin ripoff.

    Never had the rum, but it would have to be pretty exceptional to beat Tortuga.

    Socialism fucks up everything it touches.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Timmah!!

    I’ve had Cuban cigars too while on vacation in Canada and on fishing trips in the Bahamas. They are harsh and nasty. I’d sooner put horseshit in a rolling paper and smoke it than smoke another G-ddamned Cuban piece of shit cigar.

    Yep, the best cigars are coming out of the Dominican Republic and the Canary Islands. When that bearded murderous asshole tyrant Castro and his maricon brother Raul stole power in Cuba, the best cigarmakers took the best seeds from their companies’ seedstocks and GTFO of Cuba. They went to the Dom Rep and the canaries, where the soil is better than that found in Cuba for growing tobacco-leaf.

    Upmann and Romeo y Julieta are just a few of many that Got The Fuck Out.

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